The high standard (4)

253 12 4

Kelly's POV

Within a few hours the bar became packed with other hotel guests who hade come down to watch the band. It was also kind of loud so we had to raise our voices in order to hear each other.

"Who's round is it next" I ask the others as they all look around "I think it's back to you" Cruz says back to me as I look over at the bar seeing it packed with customers who had gone to get more drinks whilst the band took a break. "I'll head over now, might just get served before the band starts up again" I say standing up, taking my wallet from my pocket and heading back over to the bar, sliding my way through people to find a gap at the bar. Placing my hand that's holding my wallet in against the bar.

I see Stella and the other bar man rushed of their feet speed walking back and forth, taking orders, making drinks and taking payment.

A much older man barges his way through to stand next to me, and I could smell the alcohol on him "Hey lady...I've been waiting for ages and you keep ignoring me" he slurs at Stella holding up his bank card and empty glass, hiccuping and almost falling onto me.

"I've told you already Anthony, no more drinks for you, it's my uncle Tony's orders, he said you've had your daily limit" I hear Stella say as the guy who must be called Anthony groans as he turns to me and nudges me "have you heard this, I'm their most loyal customer and they put a ban on me drinking" he tells me as I ignore him looking at Stella as she roll her eyes and continues pouring a pint for another customer.

"Just one more" Anthony shouts banging his glass against the bar as Stella ignores him

"And now she's going to ignore me...let's see if she ignores this" Anthony says as he throws the glass towards Stella, who ducks just in time as it smashes behind her, I quickly grab his arm and pull it behind his back "wow...bad move buddy, I think it's time for you to leave" I tell him as he tries to get out my grasp.

I tighten his arm behind his back as I pull him away from the bar, I head to the door with him and push him out, he tries to walk back as I push him back and point to the hotel exit "go...go sleep it off somewhere" I tell him as he walks backwards, sticking his middle finger up at me as I scoff and shake my head

"Prick" I mutter under my breath as I turn to head back to the bar. I stand back against a spot at the bar seeing Stella clear up the glass as I see the bar man nudge her as she looks up at him, he points to me as Stella looks at me and stands up.

She puts the glass in the trash before opening my the fridge and taking out a beer and opening it. She heads over to where I'm stood and slides the bottle to me as I look at it confused then back at her "for you, on me" she says as I shake my head and use my finger to push it back to her "I appreciate it but any one would have done the same, the guy was an arse" I say as she leans forward and pushes the beer back to me

"Yeah I'm not sure they would, just take it, it's the least I could do" she says as I look back at the beer and take hold of it "well Thankyou" I say holding it up as she smiles "no...Thankyou" she says before she turns around to serve more customers.

I watch her for a second before I drink some of the beer, later feeling a hand on my shoulder as I turn around and see Matt, he points at my beer and chuckles "what happened to getting a round in" he says as I realise I completely forgot why I came upto the bar in the first place.

"Shit sorry, I just had to kick a guy out, this one was on the house" I say as I turn back and put my arm up to try get the bar man's attention "hey it's fine, I think Otis and Cruz are calling it a night, Otis doesn't look too good" Matt says pointing over to Otis who was currently being held up my Cruz.

"Oh yeah he doesn't look good, couldn't keep up with us clearly...the lightweight" I say chuckling as Cruz heads towards the doors to the lifts upto the rooms

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