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Winnie was quietly weeping when her mug shots were taken. She was the last out of them and she never looked up once.

"Can you tell us the purpose of this device, sir?", a guard showed the Doctor the sonic when they were all inside the cell, "Can you tell us how you got on board?"

"Just leave him alone", Lynda muttered.

"I'm asking him", he scowled at her, "Sir? Can you tell us who you are?"

The Doctor didn't reply. No one replied. He was only looking at Winnie whose tears were still running as she looked at her nails wide-eyed. There was some ash under her fingernails.

"You will be taken from this place to the Lunar Penal Colony, there to be held without trial", the guard then explained, "You may not appeal against this sentence. Is that understood?"

Of course, they all understood, but, of course, nobody replied. Will an Carol exchanged scared looks but didn't dare say anything.

When the guard was let out of their cell by another the Doctor looked at Jack, "Let's do it."

And then Jack got up, pushed the guards out and then knocked them both out. He picked up his gun and the Doctor picked up his sonic. Lynda and Will each took the guns from the respective guards and Carol followed. The Doctor turned around to see Winnie still staring at her fingers.

"Winifred", he whispered and kneeled before her.

She looked up with the same expression. Blood shot eyes, tears running down her cheeks and the abyss in her pupils. She looked devoid of all thoughts and feelings and didn't move otherwise. It felt like her arms were made of lead.

"We have to go."

"What's the point?", she whispered.

"I'm sorry, Winifred, please. We have to get out of here", he took her hand.

"I told Will and Carol that I'm not leaving without you or-", she sobbed, "Or Rosie. I told you I'd do anything as long as she's safe. And now she's-"

She couldn't say the word. Dead. First, there'd be denial. Where she would think that maybe this was a joke or she'd misunderstood. She couldn't say the word dead while there was still a chance she'd misunderstood.

"Winifred, there is no chance for any of us if we take any more time. I'm sorry it has to be this way but we have to go now."

He pulled her up but her hips felt locked. All her joints did. Her body didn't want to move. He grasped her hand tightly and guided her out of the cell. Everyone outside looked at her with pity but she looked at nothing. They made for the lift and the Doctor got them up to Floor 500.

Jack moved out first, gun up, "Okay, move away from the desk! Nobody try anything clever. Everybody clear. Stand to the side and stand there."

They all obeyed and lined up against a wall, hands up. The Doctor stood in the aisle between the two consoles on Floor 500 and looked at them, "Who's in charge of this place? The Satellite's more than a Game Station."

At the end of a woman was a woman with short hair, dressed in rags with cables attached to her upper body as she seemed to be chained into place, saying random numbers. The Doctor turned to her.

"Who killed Rose Tyler?", the Doctor yelled at her, "I want an answer!"

"All staff are reminded that solar flares occur in delta point one-", she just continued.

"She can't reply", one of the staff told him, immediately getting the Doctor's gun on him, "Don't shoot!"

"Oh, don't be so thick. Like I was ever going to shoot", he tossed the gun into the man's arms, "Captain, we've got more guards on the way up. Secure the exits."

Winnie Is Not OkayWhere stories live. Discover now