Chapter 26

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Hello, I'm back! I found out that I can update on 3G so as long as I don't get carsick writing I will continue updating as on schedule and maybe a bit more. Thank you Cheesefreak71 for encouraging me to update. It really helps to know that someone likes my book other than my stepsister and my friend.

Prim POV
After five minutes of searching for help Peeta's nosebleed ebbed into a slow trickle and I had finally found the doctors office. As I dropped Peeta off I grabbed his arm, watching him wince made me feel a little bit better. "Get that nose taken care of, then we'll talk about why you were in my- the Capitol's room designated for me. He nodded his head and I let him go, smirking as he rubbed life back into his arm. I started making my way to the dining car, I was in desperate need of a hot drink. As I walked into the car I saw that no one else was there so I decided to go into the kitchen myself. "Wow." That was all I could say as I walked into the kitchen. It seemed as though every surface wa made out of stainless steel. There were many devices I had never seen before but at least the cupboards were labeled. Quickly, I made my way to the cupboard labeled "Tea and Hot Chocolate". Inside I found rows and rows of every kind of tea and hot chocolate that existed. Even looking at the tea gives me painful aches of nostalgia. Instead, I turn my focus to the rows and rows of hot chocolate. There is fudge, normal, light, dark, white, and every other kid if chocolate imaginable. I take a minute to ponder before choosing the Peppermint and Sage infused Hot Chocolate. (I couldn't help but throw in the Sage. :p) As I went in search of a mug I was disappointed to see that every single one of them were a plain white. Not a single one was out of the ordinary. As I went to grab one I saw a flash of color in the back of the cupboard. 

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