Chapter 5 - Black out

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Apparently this girl's vision had side effects. I had expected that much. There was one thing about this incident that was quite intriguing though. Her vision actually worked, although it was rather unpredictable. The amount of elemental energy that came from that blast wasn't something I was prepared for. Not to mention, the shards of ice were extremely sharp like blades, they had impaled the unsuspecting whopper flower. Luckily I had managed to dodge just in time. The blast wouldn't have hurt me as I wasn't human but the dodge did save me a visit to Dottore's lab.

Speaking of which, it seemed this girl was smart but not smart enough to figure out that I wasn't human, given how she tried to save me from a whopper flower of all things. And now, she had fainted from what appeared to be a horrible headache and was lying on the grass in front of me. I smirked. Just when I was getting bored of her, she suddenly started getting more and more interesting.

I turned around to leave. You can't blame me, I was out on a walk and she ran into me. She wasn't my responsibility. Besides she seemed strong enough to handle herself. I took a few steps away from her limp body before halting in my tracks. I sighed and glanced at her body on the grass. I didn't care if she got hurt or not but I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad might happen to her if I just left her there. Who knew how long she was going to take to wake up. I sighed and shook my head and kept walking away. Like I said, she wasn't my responsibility. I didn't care. She could get back to camp on her own. I had taken a few more steps when I heard thunder rumbling. A few droplets of water fell on my hat.

Great. It was raining. I frowned and grunted in frustration as I thought about her getting drenched in the rain. I walked back to where I had left her, reluctantly. I wasn't feeling guilt or pity for her. I just wanted her to not get hurt so she would come in for work the next day, for my entertainment ofcourse.

I sighed and crossed my arms against my chest as I looked at her figure on the grass. It didn't seem like she was going to wake up anytime soon. The rain came pouring down on us. I could feel the drops of water make gentle thuds as they fell and rolled off my hat. She was completely drenched with her robe sticking to her curves. I didn't want to be there any longer than I had to. I knelt down and checked to see if she alright. She was breathing steadily and her forehead was creasing a little with a frown. Perhaps she was having a dream?

I saw her open her eyes a little as she slipped in and out of consciousness. Maybe she could walk?

"Are you awake? "

I got no response as she closed her eyes completely. I sighed and got up. I debated on whether I should just walk away. I shook my head and bent down. One of my hands wrapped around her small waist and the other supported her knees. I couldn't believe I was doing this and I certainly wasn't happy with this predicament one bit.

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