Chapter 21 - A Bittersweet Reunion

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I stood in a secluded location away from the delusion factory, the gnosis clutched tightly in my hand. The wind blew gently and my hat tipped slightly as I looked at the factory building in the distance.

I had successfully retrieved the Gnosis, but I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something was missing, an emptiness deep within me. I thought that the Gnosis would fill the emptiness in my chest, but somehow the void felt emptier than before.

As I stood there contemplating my emotions, a part of me longed to see her again, to hold her again and even kiss her again. It was a feeling I was unfamiliar with, and it perplexed me greatly. I knew I was attached but I didn't know I was this attached. I had never experienced such an overwhelming desire to be close to someone, especially not a human. I couldn't believe it, I almost missed her presence, especially after I convinced myself that she was just a mere human and was of no use to me. But the thought of being distant from her made me ache in a way I'd never experienced before. I knew I had probably made a huge mistake but the Gnosis was worth it. I had run into Yae Miko in the process of obtaining the Gnosis, and now her words kept ringing in my ears.

"Do you actually harbor affection for this human girl?" She had said.

Yae Miko was a sly fox and had been perceptive as always. She seemed to have known all about Haru. I knew that she was right because I did care about this human girl. As much as I wanted it to not be true, it was. Yae Miko had also said something else that made me rethink everything.

"But do you think the Gnosis will solve all your problems? "

For a moment I wondered why exactly I needed that Gnosis. There were simply too many reasons, but at that moment, I couldn't think of anything. But then I remembered the reasons. Perhaps I wanted revenge from the one who had cast me away like nothing. I also wanted power and control over the Fatui since they had been using me as a puppet to do all of their dirty work. But there was another reason that I wasn't willing to admit, but Yae Miko had seen right through me.

"You want it so you can finally have a heart for her. "

My mind was muddled with my emotions conflicting with my logic. For the first time in a long time, I didn't know what to do.


"Shh.. Don't move, or else.. "

I gasped as I felt the cold metal of a knife pressed against the skin of my neck. This moment reminded me of the time when I had accidentally killed that Agent. I instantly froze in fear and anxiety as I started breathing rapidly. I nodded slowly as I glanced down at the blade.

"Pack your bags. You are coming with me. The Doctor wants you."

The agent spoke in a low voice before taking away my sword and shoving me towards my wardrobe. My mind raced as I thought of a way out. If I tried, I knew I could take him out. I even came up with a plan, I was going to catch him off guard and run out the door. But for some reason.. I couldn't act on the plan. The scene of the huge ice shard impaling the agent kept replaying in my head. I was crippled with fear in that moment. I tried to keep my emotions in check so a repeat of last time didn't happen. I had to stay calm, no matter what. I took a deep breath and exhaled as I tried to get my mind out of that horrible memory. I needed a distraction so I could slip away.

I saw the chance when my eyes landed on a bottle of ink on my desk. Usually Fatui Agents wore a mask that covered almost all of their faces. But this one didn't wear a mask. He simply had a black cloak with a hood pulled over his head, engulfing his face in darkness. I placed the bottle of ink inside my bag and swiftly unscrewed the lid out of his sight. He didn't seem to suspect a thing. Good. This was my chance. I acted fast and splashed the black ink onto his face. He gasped in shock and annoyance, trying to register what had just happened. I took my sword from his hand and ran to the door. I was about to open it when he pulled me back roughly by my arm and stepped into the light.

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