Chapter 19 - Don't Be Careless

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I was examining equipment and the functioning of machinery in the factory for a report Scaramouche had requested. In the recent days he had been sending me on these errands which were not in his office. I knew he was distancing himself a little, which is why I had gone to his office that night, to confront him of course. I did not expect that night to end up like that. Regardless, I had no regrets, despite it being my first time engaging in something like that. Oh my parents were definitely not going to like what happened, especially who it happened with. But it wasn't like they were ever going to find out.

What bothered me was that Scaramouche still sent me on an errand even after that night. I thought we had gotten closer but it seemed he needed some space. Maybe he was that stressed about the mission. I didn't want to be clingy or overstep my boundaries so I didn't protest when he asked me to make this report. I couldn't help but blush every time I remembered that night and how he had looked at me. I was a bit distracted so I shook my head to snap out of it before heading to the next machine.

This machine was in a secluded corner. I didn't think much of it when I went to check on the machine. It was just a machine that smelted metal, no surprise there since all the delusions had a metal base. There were crates of ores and coal beside the huge machine. I checked the furnace and wrote down my observations into the writing pad in my arm. This was an easy but very boring job. I sighed as I moved on to check the ores. I was focused on studying the ore quality when I heard some footsteps behind me. I turned to look and saw two electro Cicin mages walking towards me.

"Haru right?" One of them asked with a small smirk.

I nodded slowly as I glanced at both of them. I was a little wary about the situation since they seemed suspicious.

"A Harbinger has asked for you. You have to come with us. " The other Cicin mage spoke.

"Lord Scaramouche? " I asked.

"No, the Doctor. Come along now. " The first Cicin mage tried to grab my arm but I quickly pulled away.

"I am not going. " I glared as I stepped back.

"Oh you don't have a choice, we have instructions to take you with us, no matter what. " The Cicin mage's expression darkened at the last part before she summoned a cicin.

I sighed before I drew my sword and sliced through the cicin in one swift swing. The Cicin mages glared at me before they summoned a few more. The cicins charged at me, their wings fluttering fast. I concentrated and summoned a few ice shards and took them all out at once. The Cicin mages were not happy with that as they only summoned more cicins. One of them struck the ground beside me with charged electro energy. I was quick to dodge all their attacks but everytime I tried to land a strike on them, they would just teleport to dodge my attacks. So I decided to conserve my energy and just take down those pesky cicins.

I saw an opening when one of the mages phased next to me and managed to land a strike on her. She shrieked before conjuring a thick electro sheild around her. I tried breaking the sheild with just my sword but I couldn't even make a crack. I defended myself against the other mage when I remembered that cryo is above electro in an elemental circle, this meant I could easily shatter  their sheilds if I used cryo energy. I acted quick as I imbdued my sword with cryo energy and struck the sheild with a force which was made my sword make a clean slice through the sheild, breaking the sphere into two halves.

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