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NAYLAH laid down in her bed sideways as she looked at the view infront of her. she had been rotting in bed all day, and she was lost in her head.

kay really had an affect over her. naylah couldn't help but think about him over and over, even if he didn't deserve it.

and sometimes she wish she could just shut off her mind. life would be way easier that way.

and to make matters worse, she didn't even get the bartenders number. so she was just in the house bored when she could be talking to him atleast.

naylah let out a small sigh as she then turned her body to the other side of the bed. what more was there else to do?

naylah just closed her eyes for a second before opening them back and climbing out of her bed.

she then headed into her bathroom before closing the door and cutting the shower on.

naylah examined herself through the mirror as she shook her head. she had been crying all night, and her eyes were red and poofy.

naylah then started to get undressed before eventually hopping into the shower. 


kevin walked inside naylah's apartment building as he headed towards the elevator. he needed to prove to naylah that he was truly sorry, and he wanted to make it up to her.

kay had no choice but to show up to naylah's apartment. if he had called her she most likely wouldn't of picked up.

eventually he made it to her apartment door before grabbing his spare key, putting it into the door, and going inside.

kay examined all around naylah's apartment. she was a very clean, neat, and tidy girl, and that was one thing kay loved about her.

he then made his way to naylah's bedroom before going in and shutting the door.

kay turned his head to the bathroom hearing the shower. he decided he would just wait til naylah got out. he didn't want to scare her by opening the shower curtain or anything.

kay sat at the end of naylah's bed as he grabbed his phone. he started to scroll through instagram to pass time, before eventually hearing the shower cut off.

naylah hopped out of the shower before grabbing her towel and wrapping it around her. she then headed towards the door as she opened it and exited.

naylah immediately turned her head to the figure sitting on her bed (bars) as she let out a loud scream before covering her mouth surprised.

"what the fuck kay! you can't do that you scared the shit outta me." naylah said holding her hand over her heart as she breathed heavily.

kay got up quickly as he made his way over to naylah. "i'm sorry ma, ian mean ta' scare you." kay said apologetically as naylah avoided his gaze.

she wasn't surprised to see him in her apartment anymore. kay liked to show up on his own time, and there wasn't anything you could do about it.

"can you leave? why are you here kevin." naylah said tiredly as she then stood infront of her dresser.

"i missed you." kay said honestly as naylah snickered loudly before leaning down and going through her dresser for clothes.

"you don't miss me, you have plenty other hoes for that." naylah said rolling her eyes as kay shook his head.

"i could have 30 hoes in the world and i only wantchu." kevin told naylah as he sat back at the end of naylah's bed.

"and that's supposed to make me feel better?" naylah asked with her hands on her hips as she then turned back and and started to get dressed.

kay examined naylah as he tried to stop his smirk from growing. naylah was perfect in every way, her face was perfect, her features was perfect, her body was perfect, she was perfect.

"i guess not." kay said scratching behind his head as naylah just rolled her eyes. she really didn't know what kay was trying to do here, but he needed to stop before it got out of hand.

"okay you can leave now, you shared useless words." naylah said annoyed as she finished getting dressed.

"i'm not leavin til you hear me out, stop bein mad at me ny ny." kay said in a stern voice as naylah just looked at him. how could he even think she could believe anything that he said?

"..fine." naylah said quietly as she moved over besides him. she then sat down onto the bed next to him before crossing her arms and waiting for him to speak.

"talk, and make it quick." naylah said as kay sighed loudly before looking back at her. "what i just say ny?" kay said as she fell quiet. he got that one.

"okay kay, what do you wanna talk about?" naylah asked slowly feeling herself folding at his voice.

"you prolly think ion care, but i do care bout chu ma, i care about us." kay said pointing between him and naylah as she gave him a "be for real" face.

"you care about us all of a sudden? there is no us kay." naylah said as kay felt his heart tingle a bit at her words. he used to tell her that.

"it is a us, come here." kay said grabbing naylah by her arm as he pulled her into him. and she just sat there with a small smirk. it felt good knowing she could use his words against him for once.

"i'm just tired kay, we go back and forth, we end up laid back up together, then we argue again and history repeats itself. that's not tiring to you?" naylah asked as kay continued to hold onto her before pulling back and kissing her on her neck.

"nah, because it's with you." kay said smirking, and honestly? that sentence did something to naylah.

"i'm going back and forth with you, what i gotta be tired fa'?" kay asked as he pulled away from her neck. he then grabbed her chin gently making her look at him.

naylah stared kay into his eyes as he then leaned in for a kiss finally. and naylah let him.

eventually after a few minutes the two pulled away as naylah sucked her lips in. hopefully after this time, they would be alright.

naylah really didn't want to keep going back and forth with him, it was tiring. so kay had one good chance to prove he was genuine. or he would lose naylah for good.

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