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NAYLAH laid down in her bed with one arm up under her head. she was currently in her room, and she was missing her favorite person badly.

it all felt a bit weird. naylah was never away from kay for too long, and now that he was in a whole different state, she couldn't help but miss him.

kay had only been gone for 3 days, and he would be coming back in two days. and naylah couldn't be more happy.

naylah was also trying to get as much sleep as she could, but she felt the baby kicking her in all different spots. and there was a sharp pain not too long ago.

"please stop kicking me mami, it hurts." naylah whispered as she then tried to go back to sleep.

but that was shortly lived by a new sharp
pain that shot up through her abdomen. and naylah cried out in pain.

"shit shit shit." naylah said feeling a liquid seep through her pajama pants. she then tried to sit up, but she immediately fell back down in pain.

"oh no no." naylah said as her eyes quickly started watering. she was home alone, and she was in labor.

naylah quickly looked around her bed for her phone, and she finally found it up under her pillow.

she quickly called 911 in pain before she was on the line with a dispatcher. she quickly told them what was happening, and an ambulance would be at the house shortly. so all that was left was to call kay.

naylah waited for kevin to pick up before there was a raspy voice on the other end. "ma? what's wrong it's 3 in the morning ny." kay said tiredly as naylah quickly started speaking.

"i'm in labor kevin!" naylah said before crying out in pain. she had just gotten another sharp pain, and this time it was worse.

"shit, right now? i'm in a whole different state mama." kevin said as naylah sat there quiet. now wasn't the time to state the obvious.

naylah just shook her head quickly before she heard loud sirens outside. "i called an ambulance, i can't even get out of the bed kay." naylah said as her voice trembled. she didn't expect her labor story to be her home alone without kay.

"i'm booking a flight back right now ight? hang on fa' me fat ma." kay said as naylah nodded before the paramedics came inside the bedroom.

they quickly put her into a wheelchair before they exited the house.


naylah laid down in the hospital bed as she ached everywhere. baby girl was refusing to come out, naylah didn't know why because her labor broke an hour ago.

julie and lisa were also in the hospital aswell, naylah really didn't want to be alone. so she called them until they answered. it was 5 in the morning.

"im so confused, why won't she come out already?" naylah asked closing her eyes as julie laughed a bit.

"she's waiting for her papa." lisa said while drinking her water as julie nodded agreeing.

"he booked a flight an hour ago, thankfully the flight is only 3 hours." naylah said as she felt herself drifting off to sleep. she was so tired since she wasn't able to get any sleep at all last night.

"go to sleep ny, we'll be here when you wake up." lisa said as naylah nodded slowly before her sleep eventually consumed her.


kevin walked inside the hospital with shades on, and he had their packed diaper bag full of essentials.

he made a stop at home before coming it the hospital. since the paramedics were the one to assist naylah, he knew they didn't grab what they needed.

it was now light outside, and kay was finally making it into the hosptial.

kevin then went up to the front desk before taking off his shades. "can i see naylah williams?" kay asked as the nurse typed on the computer before nodding.

"room 213." the worker said as kay nodded quickly before rushing over towards the elevator.

he had the diaper bag, and a car seat in his other hand. he was wondering if the baby had came, naylah hadn't been answering his calls.

kay stopped infront of the room door before slowly opening it. and he saw naylah sleeping in the room by herself.

he tilted his head a bit confused, before going inside nonetheless. naylah was still very much pregnant, and she was knocked out.

kevin then sat the diaper bag and car seat onto the floor before going over towards naylah who was still sleeping.

"fat ma." kay said quietly as she rubbed her pregnant stomach. and the baby was definitely still there.

naylah opened her eyes slightly from kay's voice as she immediately had a smile on her face from seeing him.

she had told julie and lisa they could go home since kay was only minutes away, so she was there by herself. but now that kay was here, it made her ready to push.

"i'm so glad you're here, she literally won't come out." naylah said as kay laughed before kissing naylah.

"she waiting fa' me, that's why." kay said as naylah laughed herself.

and naylah immediately stopped laughing as soon as she felt a sensation. her eyes grew wider, and her mouth parted.

the baby's head was now out

"kay.." naylah said quietly as her heart dropped quickly. "what?" kay asked confused as naylah shook her head quickly.


(LMFAOAOAOA i'm sorry ya 😭😭, ts so funny to me idk. i be rushing with these endings, so they don't be coming out as good as they needa, but it's okay. one last chapter!!)

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