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KEVIN stepped foot out of the shower before going over to his towel and wrapping it around his body.

today he had a show for the first time in forever. it felt like years since he performed infront of a large crowd.

and this time he would have two guests coming with him. the last time he had a concert a girlfriend and kids didn't even cross his mind.

but now things have changed for the better, and he couldn't wait to meet his previous daughter that he cherished already.


naylah sat down on her bed as she leaned back on her headboard. this was the first show of kevin's that she would be going to.

of course she met him when his career was already in tact, but she was never interested in going to one of his concerts. mainly because they weren't together at that time.

plus kay had did a lot of damage to naylah's poor heart back then, so she honestly despised him for a while.

but you know, kay always had a way to make naylah forgive him for everything everytime. so she was never mad at him for long. never

naylah let out a yawn as kay then walked into the room with nothing but a towel on. she shot him a look as he laughed.

"fat ma, i need you to help me pick a outfit fa' tonight." kay said as naylah nodded before getting out of bed and going over to him.

her stomach was growing bigger by the day, and it made her have way more struggled then ever. she couldn't barely move sometimes, and she would always end up out of breath by the smallest things.

naylah stood besides kay as she examined him through the dresser's mirror. his hair was also freshly retwisted thanks to her. so he would be going to his concert looking good.

"okay what are my options." naylah asked looking over at his closet that displayed three outfits kay had already picked out previously.

"in my closet, which one should i wear." kay asked moisturizing his body as naylah then went inside the closet.

she examined each outfit carefully before picking the one she liked the most. "okay i like this one, maybe just switch the shoes." naylah said shrugging as kay nodded. he did agree with naylah's suggestion, and honestly it looked way better.

"ight hold on, gimmie 15, then we can leave." kevin said as naylah nodded. she then went back over to the bed to lay down as she waited for the boy to finish getting dressed.


kevin and naylah walked into the backstage area as he stood behind the curtains. it was almost time for him to go out and start performing, and he wanted naylah to get the best view.

he had never looked forward to one of his shows until now, and that was because he was actually in a relationship with the girl now. and it motivated him to do his best.

"i gotta go out in 5, you gon cheer fa' me fat ma?" kay asked holding onto naylah as she laughed before nodding quickly.

"we both will." naylah said softly before kissing kay on the cheek. he then gave her a smile before his name was called on stage.

"do good out there alright? i'll be watching from right here i promise." naylah said as kay nodded slowly.

"see you in a few." kay said before going on stage. and all naylah heard was the loud screams of the people out there. and it genuinely made her happy.

naylah moved over to the right a bit as she had a full view of kevin and his friends who were also on the stage performing.

and she listened to the flow of kay as he rapped every lyric. he was absolutely unstoppable when it came to his rap career. that was one of the things he always cherished.

naylah just watched kay in approval before pulling out her phone so she could record this moment.

she started the video before turning the camera around showing kay. she then pointed before turning the camera back around and showing herself.

"look at daddy, these will be memories for you to see when you get older." naylah said into the camera before smiling.

she was documenting this moment for her unborn child to see when she gets older. and these were memories she would always cherish.

around 30 minutes later, kay and the rest took a small break, so kay immediately came over to naylah to see if she was alright.

"you cool?" kay asked as naylah nodded quickly. she was perfectly fine, although her legs were getting more and more tired. and she needed a seat.

"is there a way i can sit down and watch from right here?" naylah asked gently as kay nodded. he then went behind naylah before going inside a different room and pulling a chair from out of there.

"here you go fat ma." kevin said sitting the chair down as naylah quickly sat down. and she immediately relaxed from the feeling of sitting down in a while.

"thank you kay, i think they just called your name aswell." naylah said as kay nodded. he then stood up before going back out there, and there were even more cheers from before.

and naylah just sat backstage watching it all. she would forever be proud of the boy and how far his maturity level came. she wouldn't even think the kay from months ago would be in this position right now.

but thankfully he grew as a person, and now they were about to be a family of 3.

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