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NAYLAH tossed and turned in her bed as she let out a small sigh. she couldn't get any sleep, and she had been woke for atleast 30 minutes.

she was trying her hardest to fall back asleep, but all the thoughts in her mind was keeping her up, and wasn't letting her sleep at all.

"why me?"

it was the only thing that kept replaying in naylah's head. she didn't know what to do anymore, and all she wanted was to be happy.

plus she couldn't even be selfish, because she had a tiny little human growing inside of her. and it was still crazy to even think about.

naylah sat still laying on her back as her eyes was closed. she felt her eyes getting heavier and heavier, before all of a sudden she started gagging.

naylah almost immediately sat up before running to the bathroom which was right across the room.

she started gagging even more before finally making it to the toilet. and she let everything she ate out into the toilet.

she held her hair back as she continued to throw up. usually kay would do it for her, but in this case he wasn't here. so she was solo

eventually naylah got done as she slowly stood up. but she soon felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen causing her to yelp loudly.

naylah felt a small sensation below as she stood up straight. she then looked down seeing a bright red spot of blood. and it was dripping down onto the floor.

she stumbled backwards slightly before her vision started to go blurry. this couldn't be happening.

naylah used whatever strength she had left before turning and heading into her bedroom. she grabbed her phone that was laying on her bed before almost immediately calling kevin.

"please pick up." naylah whispered to herself many times before the other line connected.

"hello?" kay asked in a raspy voice, and it gave naylah much relief. "kay i'm bleeding!" naylah said in a panicked state before she immediately started crying.

"what..?" kay said before bolting out of his bed. he then quickly ran over to his closet, grabbed a jacket, put on some shorts, put on some shoes, and booked it out of the apartment in under 3 minutes.

"it hurts so bad kay." naylah cried out as she sat down onto the floor slowly. she had pains shooting throughout her body left and right.

"i'm on my way mama ight? stay calm fa' me." kevin said in a nervous tone as he got into his car.

he then started making his way towards naylah's apartment which wasn't too far from his own apartment.


kevin rushed into the hospital holding onto the bleeding naylah before he found a wheelchair. he helped her sit down as they rushed to the front desk.

"my girlfriend bleeding and she pregnant! we need a room quickly." kevin said urgently as the doctors started rushing towards naylah.

he then stood right by her side as they took her to a room.

around 5 minutes later, naylah was now in a hospital gown. and the bleeding had stopped for right now.

"so what's wrong with her?" kay asked standing besides naylah who was about to pass out from her tiredness.

"so we ran some tests, and ma'am you are at high risk of losing your baby at the moment." the nurse said as kay and naylah both felt their hearts dropped at her words.

"w-what do you mean?" naylah asked quietly as her voice cracked. she felt like her heart got shattered into a million pieces.

this was all her fault. if she just decided to not be selfish this wouldn't be happening. she had a human inside of her, and it wasn't just about her anymore.

naylah bursted out into tears as the doctors just sat there. they felt horrible, no parent wanted to hear these words.

"we'll give you guys some privacy.." one doctor said awkwardly as the rest of them left the room.

and kay was just sitting there, standing still while listening to the cries of naylah. he then lifted his head up and turned to the girl who was bawling her eyes out.

"nayl-get out! this is all your fault kay! i hate you so much bro." naylah cried out as she started to hiccup, and kay really couldn't argue with the girl.

maybe it was his fault. he wasn't trying to do anything to hurt the girl at all. but how was he going to fix this?

 # 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, ᵏᵃʸ ᶠˡᵒᶜᵏWhere stories live. Discover now