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NAYLAH woke up to the sounds of the birds chirping outside of the hospital window. unfortunately for her, she was still there.

and kay would be coming to get her around 10am, so she was stuck here for atleast 2 hours.

naylah sat up slightly as she let out a small wince from the action. she didn't know what they injected into her arm, but she was just thankful it would all be coming out today.

a couple seconds later naylah heard the room door opening before julie and lisa appeared. and naylah now had a small smile on her face.

"goodmorning my baby, are you okay? oh my gosh look at you." julie said with her arms out before handing lisa the food and balloons.

she then quickly walked up to naylah before embracing her in a tight hug. lisa rolled her eyes at julie before laughing.

lisa then walked up to naylah aswell before sitting the food down infront of her. "what happened ny?" lisa asked hugging her aswell before sitting the balloons down.

"so much, i'm tired of it all." naylah said quietly as lisa and julie shot her an guilty look. they felt horrible for the girl, she deserved to be happy more than anybody.

"this girl has been ranting on facebook about kay and how he knocked her up, so it's true..?" julie asked confused as naylah shrugged slowly.

"i dunno, but that has nothing to do with me, i just hope he can handle the responsibility because if the baby is his, we're done." naylah said truthfully as julie and lisa nodded showing they were listening.

"it's always me." naylah said leaning back in her bed as the room fell quiet. "well..on the bright side i got you wingstop!" julie said in an excited tone trying to cheer naylah up.

naylah and lisa just laughed at the girl before naylah grabbed the wingstop bag. "thank you, i appreciate you both so much." naylah said as the girls gave her a smile.

"eat up girl, you know you're eating for two!" lisa said clapping slightly as naylah nodded. she then started to eat as julie and lisa made small conversation.

"and so i told him, you're gonna have to stick jelly beans up-" julie said, but quickly stopped herself when she saw kay walk up to the doorframe silently.

"your own ass....so naylah! it was so great seeing you! we'll stop by tomorrow." julie said unpausing her sentence while giving naylah a wide awkward smile before she grabbed lisa.

"time to go.." lisa whispered as julie nodded quickly. the two then quickly left the room seeing kay standing in the door frame.

naylah just watched the two before shaking her head and letting out a small laugh. but she then continued eating her food in silence as kevin came closer.

he had flowers and more food in his hand, and he was looking very guilty. kay started walking closer before naylah quickly stopped him.

"get out please, it's not 10 yet." naylah said in a stern tone as kay shook his head. "it's almost 10, it's only 9:30." kay said as naylah just sat there quietly.

"i just came early because i wanted to see you, you good?" kay asked trying to make small talk as naylah snickered at his antics. she couldn't believe the nerve.

"i started buying some stuff for-" kay said, but naylah just shook her head quickly causing him to stop talking.

"listen to me, if that baby is yours kay me and you? we're done." naylah said in a very serious tone. and kevin felt his heart completely shatter at her words.

"and if it's not, we can stay together, but my trust will be very thin..so you better hope the baby isn't yours." naylah said before turning sideways away from the boy. she honestly couldn't even believe the situation she was in.

"i can't even look at you kay, just get back to me when you have a dna test ready." naylah said quietly as her voice cracked.

kay just sat there before nodding slowly. he then turned around and exited the room. he couldn't do anything but accept naylah's wishes.

he really wasn't gonna stress her out even more. that was the last thing he wanted. if he kept this up, he would probably end up losing both of the most important people in his life.

 # 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, ᵏᵃʸ ᶠˡᵒᶜᵏWhere stories live. Discover now