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NAYLAH held onto kevin as her arm was wrapped around his. today he was bringing her to the studio with him because why not?

naylah was in the house bored, so kay asked if she wanted to go with him. and of course she wouldn't pass up a good opportunity like that.

naylah hadn't actually been to kay's studio before, and it was definitely nice inside.

kay pulled the chair from the desk as he sat down leaving naylah standing there. soon as he got comfortable he held his arms out for naylah as she went up to him.

kevin sat naylah down onto his lap before grabbing the notebook infront of him and writing a few things.

"these my song lyrics, wanna see em?" kay asked the girl as naylah nodded quickly. he then handed her the notepad with a small smirk on his face.

he found it intriguing that naylah was actually interested in his job. and it made him happy that he actually had some support.

"okay i fucks with it." naylah said as her and kay laughed. she then made herself more comfortable as kay continued jotting down ideas for his song.

naylah watched his every move. she found it fascinating how much kay was serious about his career. and he wouldn't change it for the world.

kay laid back as he examined naylah, she was sitting forward so she couldn't see the boy staring dead at her. but she felt the tension in the air, so naylah turned around seeing kevin staring directly at her.

"what?" naylah asked with a small smile on her face as she leaned back in his arms. and that's when he pulled her closer to him before kissing her on her neck.

"kay stop." naylah said laughing as she moved herself forward. she then fixed her position as kay watched her.

"ma, look at me." kay said as naylah quickly turned her head around. "you know i'm sorry for real right?" kevin said as naylah just looked at him.

she was finding a hard time believing the words that came out of his mouth. and honestly, it was giving he hadn't got any action in a while. and naylah wasn't dumb.

naylah just nodded her head slowly as kay wrapped his arms around her. naylah could see in kay's eyes when he wanted to fuck. and she wasn't giving in.

naylah was just going to test and see how long he could wait, because what if she gave in and they stopped talking for a while?

"let me finish this up then we can go get some food ight?" kay said as naylah nodded quickly. and her stomach was starting to growl.

around 20 minutes later, kay finally finished up, and now they were in the car getting ready to go to naylah's house.

"what should we eat?" kevin asked naylah as he stopped at a red light. "i dunno, ima cook." naylah said as kay nodded.

the light then turned green as he continued to make his way to naylah's apartment.

naylah unlocked her front door as she went inside with kay following behind her. naylah took her shoes off and jacket before going over to the kitchen area.

"are you helping me cook?" naylah asked the kay who followed her every movement. kevin nodded his head slowly as naylah smiled before nodding herself.

she washed her hands before grabbing the ingredients out of the fridge and pantry. "wash your hands kay." naylah said as he nodded before going over to the sink.

naylah was gonna make some shrimp alfredo, it was a quick and easy meal. plus it was one of her favs.

"alright, can you wash the shrimp for me? ima teach you how to cook." naylah said as kay nodded quickly. he then grabbed the shrimp from the freezer and grabbed a bowel from the cabinet.

naylah grabbed a big pot while filling it up with water before sitting it onto the stove. and while waiting for the water to boil, naylah started getting everything else ready.

kay finished up the shrimp as he looked at naylah for the next step. naylah let out a small laugh before she pointed to the counter.

"did you take the tails off?" naylah asked already knowing the answer as kay shook his head no.

she then walked over to kay as she showed him how to do it. and he eventually got the hang of everything

around 30 minutes later, the food was finally done. and now naylah was plating everything.

kay grabbed some wine naylah had already before grabbing 2 wine glasses and sitting them where they would be eating.

kevin grabbed each cup filling them halfway before going over to naylah who was garnishing the dishes.

kevin wrapped his arms around naylah before sitting his head on her shoulder. he then made his way to her neck kissing slowly while naylah laughed.

"alright alright, let's eat." naylah said removing herself from his hold and taking the food over to the table.

the two quickly started eating while talking about things going on in their lives. it was actually pretty romantic to naylah, and she loved every moment of it.

"i'm so full." naylah said leaning back in her seat while rubbing her stomach. and kay examined her every move.

"what?" naylah asked confused as she finished the rest of her wine. "nothin, you pretty ma." kevin said causing naylah to start blushing.

"stop kay." naylah said trying to stop her growing smile. "you spending the night?" naylah asked the boy as he shrugged.

"you want me to?" kevin asked as naylah nodded slowly. why not?

"i'm gonna take a shower, then we can go to bed." naylah said as kay nodded. "you have clothes here i'm sure, so you can use the guest bathroom so we can both go to sleep at the same time." naylah said thinking smart as kay nodded.

the two then cleaned up their area before going into naylah's bedroom. she laid herself wnd kay's clothes out as they went their separate ways getting ready.

kevin climbed into the bed beside naylah who was already holding her arms out waiting for him.

he grabbed her as she wrapped her arms around him with a smile. naylah laid her head on his chest before letting out a small sigh

"goodnight mama, i love you." kay said kissing her forehead as naylah smiled. "goodnight kay, and i love you more." naylah said before the two eventually drifted off.

(yall want a mini naylah & kay? 🌚🌚🌚🌚, i actually fw this story yalllllll, probably one of my favs. my favs are actually 1) infatuate, 2) vip, 3) hater, & then this book 🙊)

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