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KEVIN walked into his bedroom before going over to his closet. naylah had to get some more tests ran, so he unfortunately had to go home.

even though naylah kicked him out of the hospital room yesterday. he didn't leave. he waited until she fell asleep to leave the hospital.

naylah was put under a lot of stress, and he didn't want to stress her out more. so he did some breathing techniques with her even if she was mad at him.

she listened thankfully, and eventually fell asleep. and the boy felt horrible. how could he do this to the mother of his unborn child?

he was slacking recently. and he needed to make it up. so today, he would be tending to naylah once again until she's able to come home.

and as for the other mother of his child. he was gonna get that dna test. because he firmly believed the kid wasn't his. it could all be a set up, who knew?

kay threw some clothes into a small suitcase as he stood up straight. he then walked over to his bed before his phone started vibrating in his pocket.

he sat the suitcase down onto the bed before grabbing his phone and looking at the caller id. and surely enough, it was zara.

kevin let out a small groan before pressing the small green icon. "what?" kay asked with some attitude as zara mugged her head back.

"don't use that tone with me, but what you gon do about our baby kevin?" zara asked in a bored tone as kay closed his eyes and let out a huff. he couldn't believe this is who he knocked up.

"i don't know zara, but i know i damn sure want a dna test." kay said crossing his arms. and the other line went silent for a few.

"hello..?" kay asked confused before he heard zara's breathing on the other end of the phone.

"i-really kay? why would you want a dna test?! this your baby!" zara yelled into the phone defensively as kay pulled the phone away from his ear a bit from the unexpected yelling.

"calm the fuck down, and don't ask me no stupid ass question like that, i said i want a dna test." kevin spat out as zara fell quiet once again.

"well you can't get one right now, so get over it." zara said with sass as kevin snickered loudly.

"we getting a dna test zara, ion really care about what you say." kevin said before he heard something being thrown on the other side.

"i said no! respect my decision." zara said before she quickly hung up the phone. and kay was just sitting there silently utterly shocked and confused.

this whole situation was stressing him out. but he couldn't worry about zara right now when naylah was in the hospital. he didn't care about zara, he cared about naylah.

kay rolled his eyes before grabbing the packed suitcase and his keys that sat on the bedside table.

he then grabbed his phone once again before going to naylah's contact. hopefully she would pick up and she wasn't still as mad as she was yesterday.

kay pressed on the audio call as he waited for naylah to pick up. but unfortunately for him, naylah ignored his call.

kevin groaned annoyed before he just left the bedroom and headed towards the front door and eventually leaving the apartment.


kevin walked inside the hospital room as his eyes immediately traveled to naylah. and she was sleeping peacefully with fluid cords inside and outside of her arm.

his heart couldn't stand the sight. especially being the reason as to why she was hooked up to all these different machines.

kay walked over to the area he had slept previously before sitting the food he got for him and naylah down.

he then grabbed naylah's food before going over to her and stopping on the side of her hospital bed.

"fat ma, wake up." kay said softly as naylah turned slightly. she then opened one eyes seeing kay hovering above her.

she almost immediately turned back around before closing her eyes fully. "go away." naylah said quietly as kay sighed.

"no. i gotchu some food you needa eat ny." kay said in a stern tone as naylah sat there absolutely silent before turning around in defeat.

she couldn't be selfish. she had to eat for her and her baby. and plus her stomach was touching her back.

naylah slowly grabbed the food before sitting it on her lap. she slightly looked up at kay as he handed her a fork.

she then started eating as kay hummed in approval. he then turned around and started walking back over to the couch.

he grabbed his food before taking the top off and starting to eat aswell.

"you can leave the hospital tomorrow ny, ima be here early in the morning to help you ight?" kay said looking over at naylah who was picking through the food.

she just nodded her head slowly before taking another bite. "can you eat the food please ma? for the baby." kay said as naylah sat still for a moment before she started eating bigger sizes.

and kay just watched her in a approval. he then leaned back continuing to eat his food aswell.

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