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Ghost got a certain boost of invigoration when she stood upon the rooftops, arms spread out like a bird's dark wings to let the wind wrap around her. Her smile was as wide as the Jokers, her head tilted back to welcome the night sky. She wished she could fly in times like these. To float over the city, looking down at every bit of it.

The police radio clipped to her waist was muffled, but clear in the earpiece she wore. With one word, she disappeared from sight, falling through the floors of the building until she reached the bottom. It was the closest to flying she would ever get.

Ghost phased herself through walls and floors, running straight through patrons in her invisible state. She was sure they had felt a chill in her passing, some letting out confused yelps and looking around with wide eyes. She felt too free to care.

She phased through the wall of an old warehouse, boots landing softly against the dirty cement as she walked. It looked typical of a criminal hideout, with dim lights, dust, and smoke filled air.

Ghost crept around the warehouse filled with old boxes and machines. She paused upon hearing a creak on the metal stairs and soon she disappeared, keeping her breath slow and quiet. People may not be able to see her when she was invisible, but they could still hear her. And she had her limits, it wasn't as if she was all powerful.

Sudden screams of pain and surprise startled Ghost into action. She carefully rounded the corner and, even though she remained invisible, stayed out of sight. Her abilities remained on a timer. 60 seconds and they dropped. And then came the 20 second rest period. She'd been working on her durability, but it was difficult and a slow process.

Ghost smirked, her eyes glued on the figure in the tacky colorful suit. Robin. His fighting style was aggressive and bold. He didn't pull a single punch as blood spattered on the floor. He was brutal and there was something quite familiar about his cocky grin, but Ghost couldn't place it. She was much too preoccupied with admiring his skill anyway.

It was too late to stop herself from applauding when it was all done. She was in awe with how easy Robin had made it all look. He showed obvious flaws in some ways, and it was clear to her that he hadn't been at it long, but everyone had room for improvement.

Robin whirled around as Ghost phased back into view. His hand gripped tight on his bo staff and his smirk had fallen into a scowl.

"Wow. What a guy you are. Nicely done," Ghost complimented.

"Who the fuck are you?" He bit out viciously.

Ghost's brows raised, "What a hostile tone. I'm a friend...possibly. It depends on you, really."

A knife was flung out in the next second, but it passed right through her. She had expected violence.

Ghost chuckled, "What a sweetheart you are. Lucky for you, I like it a little rough. But you could at least tell me your name before we get all hot and heavy."

"Ghost," he guessed, eyes narrowing beneath his mask.

"That's me. I'm gonna take a guess and say you're Robin."

Robin sprinted at her with an angry yell. He didn't even pull his punches on a girl. His fist was aimed straight for her face, and if she hadn't dodged to the side, Ghost was sure he would have broken something.

Robin's reflexes were quick and he pulled back his arm to shove his elbow towards her collarbone. It went right through her and she took the chance to hit him in the throat.

Ghost cringed, "Ooh. Whoops. Sorry."

Robin coughed and held his neck, "What the fuck?"

"Oh? Didn't the old bat tell you about me? I thought you two were besties or whatever," she tilted her head as Robin bent over, still gasping for air, "Hey, I didn't hit you that hard, did I? Do you need CPR? I'm not certified, but I could be for you."

Invisible (Jason Todd; Titans)Where stories live. Discover now