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Ambrose woke up to the incessant flashing of her bracelet in the early hours of the morning. The one time she spent the night away from Jason, only because Bruce asked them to, and Jason was still being clingy. Ambrose normally didn't mind, but he was interrupting her sleep.

Ambrose lazily spammed the button back, pressing once every few seconds. And only a few seconds after that, her phone lit up with a call.

Ambrose picked up, her voice slurred from sleep, "Why?"

Jason laughed on the other end, sensing he had woken her up, "Guess what."

"Jay, honey, if you don't give me a good fucking reason as to why you woke me up at 4 in the morning, I'm going to hang up."

"Bruce just left. Apparently, he's got this thing with the Justice League. Which means I've got Wayne Manor all to myself," he said excitedly.

Ambrose sat up, running a hand through her tangled hair. She still wasn't impressed with the time, given she had only slept for about 3 hours, but Jason sounded too happy for her to be angry.

A small smile graced her lips, "Really? That sounds nice, Jay. Any plans?"

"Oh. A shit ton. Was thinking you could come over. We could play some games on the batcomputer! Would be totally fun. And I wanted to try riding my motorcycle down the steps!"

All of that sounded very impulsive to Ambrose. It was likely that it was. Jason tended to get very impulsive when he was excited. He would try to skydive off a tower if she didn't stop him.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good time. Give me an hour and I'll be ready."

"Awesome! I'll come pick you up. I love you. Bye." Jason hung up.

Ambrose was left tensed up, her eyes wide as she mouthed the words he had said to her. She always knew it had been implied, but they had never actually said 'I love you' before.

Ambrose ripped the sheets off, scrambling to dress herself and get ready. A large grin had been pushed onto her lips the whole time. Leave it to Jason Todd to immediately put her in a good mood.

As soon as she was ready, she walked out into the kitchen, wrote out a quick note for her father, and then made her way down the stairs. She made sure to keep an unapproachable scowl on her face as she passed two early morning junkies who were dwelling at the bottom of the stairs until she got out the front door. Those two always caused the worst trouble, especially for the ladies. One day Ambrose would have to put them in their place, but not today.

Ambrose wrapped her cardigan tighter around her as a gust of cool air flew at her. It was still dark out, only being 5 in the morning. But Ambrose knew that vibrant colors would soon start painting the sky to introduce the sun back over them. She wished she could turn invisible right then. Not because she was afraid or anything, but because she wanted to enjoy the day without the possibility of someone ruining it. Sometimes she just wanted to be a specter, floating around and around.

Jason's motorcycle screeched to a stop on the road in front of her and he took off his helmet, "Someone call for a ride?"

A smile immediately formed back on Ambrose's face and she ran up, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a deep kiss. When Jason pulled back, it was hard for Ambrose not to just follow him.

Jason let out a breathless laugh, reaching to push a strand of hair behind her ear, "Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for? I usually get a sarcastic comment first."

Ambrose didn't know what to say. She didn't even know if he remembered what he had said or if it had been the slip of the tongue, but if it wasn't, she didn't want to leave him hanging.

Invisible (Jason Todd; Titans)Where stories live. Discover now