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"The place is called Corvo. It's some kind of speakeasy. Landlord says he bounces the late shift."

"That's too bad. Bouncers are assholes," Jason said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Ambrose hooked her arm through the space Jason had left for her, their shoulders brushing as she walked close to him to keep somewhat warm, "Yeah, that's true."

"Clay's not. And how would you know anyway?" Dick asked.

"Most bouncer's I've met were protecting some kind of underground ring in Gotham. Drugs, gambling, trafficking," Ambrose said.

Jason's answer was very different, "Uncle Ray would take me to bars with him all the time when I was little. Everyone thought it was cut, till it wasn't. He was a fun drunk. Then he'd get stupid, then he'd start throwing punches...Then the bouncers would kick our asses out."

"Where were your folks?"

"Mom was upstate. Dad was downstate. Uncle Ray was the man until he OD'd when I was 13."

Ambrose knew that wasn't the whole story, but if Jason didn't want to tell Dick any more than that, she wasn't going to say anything. Ambrose subtly moved her hand from its place on his arm and into his pocket, intertwining their hands together. Jason squeezed her hand tight, seeming thankful for the warmth and comfort she brought him, even though he didn't think he needed it.

"Where'd you go?"

Jason shrugged, "Wherever. Foster care. In and out of the system, the streets mostly after that. It's not all bad. I survived. Now look, man, we're living the dream."

"What about you, Ambrose? How'd you get here?" Dick asked.

Ambrose quickly looked for a way out, not comfortable sharing with someone she barely knew, "I think this is it."

Ambrose looked up at the building that seemed typical of any type of adult, alcohol filled space. There was loud music booming, practically vibrating through the thick walls. It definitely wasn't her kind of party. It never was if she didn't get to kick ass or do anything dangerous.

Dick knocked on the door and the door viewer slid open. A man looked Dick up and down until Dick held up a police badge.

"Clay Williams' working tonight?" he asked.

"VIP lounge," the bouncer opened up the door.

He let Dick slide in easily, but when he eyed Jason and Ambrose, it was easy to tell they were underage. Ambrose knew Jason was going to pull out his fake ID and try to con his way in, but this guy didn't look that stupid.

Ambrose pulled Jason back, giving Dick an innocent smile, "We'll meet you out here."


Ambrose tugged Jason harder, "Good luck in there."

The door closed and Jason gave her an annoyed look, "Seriously?"

Ambrose slid her hand out of his and began walking around the building, "It's like you forget who I am, Jay. This way is gonna be much easier. Trust me."

Ambrose found the side door, holding up a finger to stop Jason before she walked right through the door and then opened it from the inside with a smirk, "Hello there. Would you like to come inside?"

Jason chuckled and lightly shoved her back so he could slip inside, "You think you're so fucking cool."

"Are you saying I'm not?" Ambrose hooked her arm through his.

"No, you are," Jason admitted, making her giggle as they slipped into the crowd of people as if they belonged.

Ambrose found herself bumping plenty of shoulders, catching a few stares that made her wish she could just turn invisible right then and there. But she didn't dare leave Jason all by himself.

Invisible (Jason Todd; Titans)Where stories live. Discover now