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Ambrose thought for sure that the universe loved to play jokes on her. She wasn't sure if she found them funny or not yet, but they at least kept her very entertained. Nearly every night for the past few weeks they kept her going with one running joke.

Ghost was a blur as she jumped from one rooftop onto the next, rolling as she hit the ground before quickly hopping back up to her feet. She whirled around with a large grin to see that he was still right behind her. The one that had been chasing her for weeks.

Ghost laughed breathlessly, "You are so obsessed with me, little birdy. I kind of like it."

Robin jumped onto the roof with her and gripped his bo staff tight, "God, you're so fucking annoying!"

Ghost put a hand on her chest in mock offense, "I'm annoying? I haven't done anything wrong. I'm helping clear up these streets of criminals just like you and Batman. It's not my fault you two got your territorial panties in a twist. Am I stealing the spotlight? Is that it? Want me to kiss it better?"

Robin let out a frustrated yell and swung hard. He was getting tired of her mocking quips and the way she always seemed to get away. It seemed like he really hated her, and Ghost hadn't a single clue as to why. She hadn't done anything so bad.

But to Robin, she was in his way. Not of his job, but of being recognized by Bruce. He needed to be good enough, and he couldn't be if he couldn't defeat her and bring her in. That was what he had convinced himself, at least.

Ghost bent back under the swing, the staff swaying air past her face from how close it was. There was a frown on her face for the first time.

"Wow, birdy, that's some grudge you've got," Ghost pushed herself back upright and aimed a kick at Robin's knee.

Robin dodged at the last moment, aiming his own kick high up. Ghost caught him by the ankle and tugged, forcing Robin off balance. She seemed confused, the closer Robin was able to look at the uncovered parts of her face.

"Look, I really don't want to be your enemy. This was kind of fun at first, but you're making it hard for me to go after criminals. That's your job too, in case you forgot. So how about we just forget about...whatever this is, and chill? We might even work well together," Ghost seemed genuine for the first time.

Robin let out a bitter laugh, "Not a fucking chance."

Ghost's eyes flickered down just as Robin took out a knife and began to swing it in her direction. Before their little dance could continue though, a dark figure had appeared, diverting Robin's swing and pushing Ghost onto the ground.

Ghost looked up in surprise and quickly jumped to her feet, "Well, if it isn't Batman. Hello! Wasn't expecting you tonight. Anyway, I'll just go now. Au revoir, or whatever!"

"Damn it! I almost had her!" Robin exclaimed as Ghost disappeared.

"You didn't. She was playing with you. And I told you not to go after Ghost. She's my problem. Not yours. Go home," Batman demanded.

Robin scoffed, "What?"

"Go home. Now."

"You're benching me?!" Robin was in disbelief.

"I can't have you running around the city when you can't listen to basic instructions."

"That's such fucking bullshit, man! I had her! You keep saying she's your problem, but you haven't done a fucking thing about her!"

Batman didn't flinch at the rage of his protege. He knew better than Robin did. And Ghost was the least of their problems. She was just another kid playing vigilante, and until she got in his way, she was on the backburner. If Robin couldn't see that for himself and listen, then he couldn't trust him.

Invisible (Jason Todd; Titans)Where stories live. Discover now