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"Man, dude looks dead," Jason commented as he helped Dick drag the body of a man behind them.

Ambrose stared down at the face of the unconscious old man, her hands shoved in the pockets of her jacket. She wondered why Dick wanted to drag this guy along, but then again, she was also kind of having a fun time not knowing. The adrenaline that had kicked in mid-fight had put her in a good mood.

Dick's voice was as monotonous and angsty as Bruce's, "Trust me. There's a difference between dead and knocked out."

"Yeah, like a pulse," Ambrose muttered with a short laugh.

Dick gave her an odd look, "Who are you?"

Ambrose put her hands up, "Don't worry about me. I know all the dirty details. I'm just tagging along because bird boy and bat guy asked me to."

Dick looked almost amused at Ambrose's nonchalant way of addressing his old mentor. He decided then that she might not be too bad, especially since she helped save his ass.

"This is awesome!" Jason exclaimed, still suited head to toe in his Robin uniform, "Robin and Robin, in action. And, of course, Ghost."


"Vigilante," Ambrose explained shortly, "Please just entertain the little birdy. He was really excited to meet you."

Dick looked at Jason, who was grinning, "Who the hell are you?"

"Jason Todd. The new Robin. Robin 2.0, right?" Jason introduced as he dropped the unconscious man in front of Dick's car.

Ambrose raised her hand and smiled, "Ambrose."

"Seriously, man, it's an honor to meet you," Jason said, holding out his fist.

Dick stared blankly at him and Ambrose sighed, "Just humor him, Dick."

Dick bumped his fist reluctantly against Jason's, not wanting to disappoint the clearly excited kid. He popped open the trunk and shoved the unconscious man in the back.

Ambrose smiled fondly as Jason continued to ramble on, "I always wondered what this moment was gonna be like, never thought that when it happened, I'd be saving your life."

"So, there's a new Robin, huh?" Dick asked.

"Yours truly. In the flesh."

Dick stood up after closing the trunk, "Does Batman know you're here?"

"Obviously," Ambrose chimed in, "Why else would we have come all the way here?"

"Bruce knows how badly I've always wanted to meet you. Pick your brain, catch a couple of pointers, he's all, 'Go for it, bro.' Hey, let me go grab my clothes. I'll be right back," Jason began to sprint off back the way they came, planting a light kiss on Ambrose's cheek as he passed her.

Dick stared at Ambrose and she put her hands up, "That's just the way Jay is. You'll get used to it pretty quickly."

"You one of Bruce's too?"

Ambrose scoffed, "Absolutely not. I only stick around because of Jason. I go where he goes."

"I take you aren't a big fan of Bruce," Dick guessed, noting the way Ambrose had rolled her eyes at just the mention of him.

"Not particularly. I don't hate him, but he isn't exactly the best father figure, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I do."

Ambrose stared at him for a few seconds before smiling, "Though, it is nice to meet you. Jay doesn't really stop talking about you. About all the things you did and what he imagined you'd be like. I mean, I was about ready to tape his mouth shut on the ride here. I know he's kind of bold, but please don't push him off. Frankly, if you hurt him, I'd have to hurt you. And I don't really want to have to sit through a Batman, 'holier-than-thou' lecture."

Invisible (Jason Todd; Titans)Where stories live. Discover now