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Ambrose ducked under the punch, allowing the next one to go right through her before she struck her hand out to hold Jason back by the neck.

Jason grabbed her wrist tight, pushing his opposite elbow down into the crease of Ambrose's arm so that her grip on his neck became slack. Ambrose didn't miss a beat, striking the side of his abdomen.

Jason moved his elbow from her arm, aiming it at her face, but Ambrose stopped it with one hand and smacked her forehead against his hard.

Jason grunted and stumbled back, holding his head, "Fuck!"

Ambrose walked towards him with a smirk, "Come on, Jay. I thought you said you were good at this. Where's that Robin expertise? Give it to me."

Jason glared at her in frustration and kicked up towards her head. Ambrose just laughed and ducked under, waiting for his foot to hit the floor before she kicked back into his chest. He stumbled once more and Ambrose spun into one more kick, sending Jason onto the mat.

"Keep up, babe," Ambrose mocked him as she extended a hand for him.

Jason looked heated and angry, but he still took her hand to let her pull him up, "What the fuck, Amber?"

Ambrose rolled her eyes, "You're the one who asked to train with me. You wanted to see, quote, what I was made of, unquote. It's not a big deal, Jay. Besides, I've been training longer than you. You'll get better, stronger, faster, smarter."

"Ok, but you've got powers, which is totally fucking unfair. How the hell am I supposed to beat you when you're fucking invincible?" Jason pointed out.

Ambrose chuckled, "I'm not invincible, Jay. Everyone has a weakness. I have plenty. You already know one. I can only put on my abilities for 60 seconds at a time before I need a break period."

Jason crossed his arms, "Well, what are the other ones?"

"I'm not gonna tell you."

"Come on! Make it fucking fair!"

Ambrose shoved his shoulder lightheartedly, "No way. I know I talk a lot, but I'm not about to expose myself."

"Bitch," Jason rolled his eyes, though he clearly didn't mean it.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Ambrose dug into her bag, retrieving a small jewelry box and tossing it to Jason.

Jason caught the box, looking at it oddly, "The hell is this?"

"Just open it."

Jason reluctantly opened the box to see a small bracelet inside. It was black, with a braided cord, and a circular charm on it.

"I'm not much of a jewelry guy, but thanks."

Ambrose scoffed and rolled up the sleeve of her workout shirt to reveal an identical piece. She tapped the front of the charm with one finger and Jason's lit up a deep red.

"Press once to get my attention. Hold down for a few seconds to request location. Twice to give your location. Simple. If we're going to work together, it's best to take precautions," Ambrose explained.

Jason inspected the bracelet more closely, "Huh, nice. Where'd you get it?"

"You aren't the only one with connections, Jay. I've got people too."

Ambrose may trust Jason with a lot of things, but she wasn't going to expose anyone who didn't want to be found. And Delilah Ferris, a longtime companion and trustee of Ambrose's, definitely didn't want to be found.

Jason nodded, "Batman just put a tracker in me when I started up with him."

"Yeah, well, I'd rather not invade your privacy. This way, we'll only know where each other is if we want each other to know."

Invisible (Jason Todd; Titans)Where stories live. Discover now