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The building Jason had steered them towards seemed inconspicuous enough. It was tall and shaped oddly, but other than that, it just looked like a typical unlabeled office building. The bottom floor even seemed like a lobby, which made for a good cover. No one would bother to come in here unless they knew what it was for.

Ambrose had to admit that while Bruce had an awful attitude and very obviously needed therapy, he was intelligent.

"According to Bruce, the design of this place is inspired by Frank Lloyd," Jason said.

"Wright," Dick added.

Frank Lloyd Wright. An old architect. He became a pioneer for a lot of architectural movements and concepts. Ambrose only knew that because someone in one of her highschool classes did a presented project on him, but he sounded cool enough.

Jason grinned, not getting what Dick was saying, "I know, right? Dude's really into, you know, lines and shit. Bruce has a bunch of places like this. He calls them 'safe houses', but they're more like condos. Never been to one."

"You're lucky," Dick said.

"Yeah, I'd hate to be in danger enough to have to go to a 'safe house'," Ambrose lowered her voice, "But here we are."

Dick approached the security scanner, standing there until it lit up red and beeped, a robotic voice speaking loud, "Access denied."

"I got this," Jason said, moving in front of Dick to let himself be scanned.

Moments later, it lit up green, "Access granted."

Jason looked back at Dick with a small smirk, "Guess he changed the locks."

Ambrose saw Dick's unimpressed face, a small glint of hurt in his eyes, so she pushed Jason into the elevator, "Just get inside, you smug little shit."

Jason didn't take her comment to heart, only laughing and letting her push him. The space in the elevator became immediately awkward with the two Robin's holding their suitcases side by side, while Ambrose stood behind them, fiddling with the straps of her backpack situation suitcase.

Surprisingly, Dick was the one to break the silence, "Why are you doing this? Why do you even want to be Robin?"

Jason scoffed, "Are you kidding? This is the dopest gig ever. Hangin' out with Batman, kicking bad guys' asses, being famous, driving the goddamn Batmobile."

"He lets you drive the Batmobile?"

Ambrose let out a quiet laugh behind them, knowing the answer to that was a firm 'no.' Jason just didn't like to play by the rules. He'd taken the Batmobile out for joyrides more than once. Bruce hated that.

"Wouldn't you rather have your own name? Like 'Sparrow' or 'Blue Jay', for Jason?"

"Fuck no. The whole point is being Robin. Batman needs Robin. Why do you think he makes us wear those lame ass colors? 'Cause we're drawing fire. 'Look over here, assholes!' Then boom, the Bat lands and starts trashing ass," Jason said.

The elevator doors opened and Ambrose was more than happy to escape the confines. She couldn't stand listening to the two fight over this. She understood where they both came from, but she didn't want to be in the middle of it. She would always be on Jason's side, of course, but Dick knew better than anyone the downsides of working with Bruce Wayne. Jason just didn't want to see it yet.

Dick handed his suitcase over to Jason, "Here, I'll go back and get our friend."

As soon as the elevator doors closed, leaving the two alone, Ambrose stared Jason down, "Be nice, Jay."

Invisible (Jason Todd; Titans)Where stories live. Discover now