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Three months had passed. And not once had Ambrose heard from her father. She had called and texted and even emailed him, but nothing. When she finally managed to get ahold of Bruce, he just told her that Seth was fine and wasn't allowed a lot of phone time in the facility. That sounded like bullshit to Ambrose, but there was nothing she could do about it right now.

Ambrose had been sitting in one of the separate rooms for the past two hours. Dick had been making her practice holding her abilities more. Slowly, 145 seconds had turned to 150 seconds. It wasn't as easy as it sounded. It was like honing any other skill. It took practice and hard work and pain. And god was she in pain.

Ambrose was sweating profusely, her body was trembling with the effort of going invisible, holding it, and then when she couldn't hold it anymore, she had to try and force her way through the rest period. Dick was trying to get her to have no rest period at all. But all she was getting right now was really bad heart palpitations, body aches, and a nosebleed.

Ambrose heard yelling coming from the training room next door and shakily pushed herself up, wiping the blood from her nose. She wasn't surprised they had started fighting. Jason tended to pick a lot of fights. He just wasn't vibing with these people as much as he had with her or as they had with each other. So besides training, her second job was 'Jason duty'. Keep him in line, be the mediator, calm him down. But it wasn't just him. She was made to watch over everyone whenever Dick was gone. Essentially, Dick had turned her into a babysitter.

Ambrose lazily walked out of the room, seeing Dick and Rachel just passing by, "Oh good, you're back."

"Did World War 3 start?" Rachel asked jokingly as they made their way to the training room where Jason and Gar were still arguing.

Ambrose laughed, "Let's take a look and see."

Dick opened up the doors, "What's going on?"

"We did what you said, the whole blindfold thing, then he went nuts on me," Jason claimed.

Ambrose doubted Gar had 'went nuts'. He probably just tapped Jason a bit too hard and Jason got his ego bruised.

Gar held his hands up, "He said 'don't hold back.'"

"Why do we even learn to fight like this, man? Hey, it's idiotic. We have eyes."

"I turn invisible," Ambrose pointed out to him, "It's probably smart to learn how to fight without eyes."

"Ok, but I'm not gonna be fucking fighting you," Jason snapped back, only to release his anger when he saw the stern look she gave him.

"In battle, anything can be taken from you," Dick twisted Jason's wrist and took his sword, "Your hands," he tapped the sword near Gar's feet, "Your feet," he then pointed the sword at Rachel's eyes, "And your eyes. No matter what is taken, you must be able to keep fighting. And win. All right, get changed. Attack scenarios in the tech room in five minutes. Then breakfast."

Gar and Rachel rushed from the room to follow his orders and Ambrose walked up to Jason, putting a hand on his shoulder. He tensed, but didn't brush her away, reminding himself over and over that she wasn't why he was upset and he shouldn't take it out on her.

Jason looked back at Dick before he could leave, "Yo, look, it's been three months, man. When do we get to go back to Gotham City?"

"I've kind of been having the same question," Ambrose added.

"Bruce doesn't think you're ready yet. And neither do I. I'm sorry, man. You blew your privileges. And Ambrose, you know your dad put Bruce in charge of you, and he put that on me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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