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Ambrose woke with a start the next morning at the sound of something shuffling close to her head. Her sleepy eyes wandered around, only to realize the noise had come from her phone that was nearly dead as it still counted the minutes of the ongoing call.

"Jay? You awake?" Ambrose muttered.

"No," Jason slurred out, his voice deep from sleep.

Ambrose let out a sleepy laugh that sounded more like a low groan, "Who am I talking to then?"

"Your mom."

"Did you seriously just hit me with a 'your mom' joke at..." Ambrose squinted at the time on her phone, "8 in the morning?"

Jason shuffled closer to the phone, "Never a bad time for 'your mom' jokes, babe."

Ambrose smiled, hearing him sit up on the other end and let out a loud groan, "Damn, tell me how you really feel, sweetheart."

"Ok. I'm fucking tired, and you sound hot as shit in the morning," he stated bluntly.

Ambrose grinned as she sat up and connected her phone to the charger that was hanging off her side table, "Ooh. Tell me more. I love hearing you talk about me."

"Fuck you."

"You really know how to woo a girl, Jay bird. I could get used to this."

"Maybe you will," he teased, though his tone sounded completely serious in his tired state.

Ambrose snapped her elastic off her wrist and lazily tied her hair up, "So, what does the mysterious Jason Todd have on the agenda today? Besides flirting with a very interested party."

"Depends, did this interested party have something in mind?"

"Let's go out. Doesn't matter what we do or where we go. Just you and me."

"I'm down. Need someone to pick you up?" Jason asked.

"You drive?" Ambrose wasn't as surprised as she sounded.

Jason smirked, "Yeah. I've got a bike. It's cool."

"Oh, it sounds cool. I usually just walk everywhere. Or take a taxi. Now I'll just call you when I wanna go out."

"What am I? Your personal chauffeur?" Jason sounded amused.


"Oh, fuck off. Where am I going?"

Ambrose chewed on her lip before answering, "The apartment building on Fourth Street in the East End. It's past Robinson Park, nearer to Park Row. It looks like a shit hole. You can't miss it."

"I know the place. I can be there in 30."

"I'll be ready."


Ambrose waited for Jason to drop the call before letting out a sigh. She hadn't really wanted him to know where she lived. It wasn't that she was ashamed to live in such poor conditions. She didn't mind it at all, and she could handle herself just fine. But it did make her wonder what he would think.

Ambrose stood up and threw on some casual clothes before going out to see her father reading a newspaper at the small dining table, "I'm going out."

"With that boy? Jason?" Seth guessed.

"Yes. We're gonna hang around. Do you need me to take anything down for you before I go?" Ambrose asked.

"Not a thing. I've got my coffee and my breakfast right here," Seth held up his cup.

Invisible (Jason Todd; Titans)Where stories live. Discover now