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Ambrose was beginning to think there was a reason she preferred doing jobs that didn't require too much research. Research was boring. There was none of the adrenaline or really any fun involved in it. Jason made it fun sometimes. He'd often make it into a game or a competition just so Ambrose would help out and not get annoyed, but with Dick, it was all seriousness.

Ambrose fought the urge to sigh as she leaned against the computer desk next to Jason. She had taken a hold of one of his hands and was drawing shapes against his skin just to keep herself occupied.

Dick was staring at the password protected computer before suddenly realizing Bruce had probably changed the password, "You mind?"

Jason got that smug look on his face again as Ambrose let go of his hand, "Sure thing."

Dick glanced back at Ambrose with a 'really?' look, as if she was supposed to be the one who kept Jason's sassy attitude in check. Ambrose just shrugged with her hands up. She had already told Jason he was being a smug little shit. After that it was up to Jason. She wasn't his handler.

"Boom," Jason unlocked the computer, getting out of Dick's way so he could do what he wanted.

Dick typed 'Atlas the Strongman' into the computer and pictures of the man popped up. He was definitely fitting of his name. He practically had muscles on his muscles.

"Phone bill paid last month. Utilities on. Looks like he's still alive," Dick read before pulling out his phone and dialing the number on file.

The line rang once before going to voicemail and Dick put his phone back in his pocket, "Milwaukee's only an hour and a half from here. I gotta go make sure he's safe."

"We're going on a road trip. Excellent," Jason grinned.

"We?" Ambrose muttered disappointedly, "Why are we going? It's not our problem."

Jason nudged her, "Yes. We."

"No. Not 'we'. Me," Dick corrected, "Look, I appreciate you guys bringing this to me. I really do. But there's no reason for you to come. This is personal. Your Bruce's Robin, not mine."

Jason looked almost offended, "No, I'm my Robin."

"I don't need your help."

"You kind of did back at the apartment when you were about to get your ass kicked," Ambrose pointed out.

"Amber, not helping," Jason stopped her.

"Sorry, sorry. Just saying."

Ambrose didn't hate Dick and she wasn't being nonchalant because she didn't care. She just didn't know Dick well enough to want to. She found that her attitude towards people was like a mirror. Jason and herself had clicked immediately, and she found him easy to be happy with due to his humorous attitude and chaotic ways. Dick, on the other hand, was very closed off, so Ambrose didn't know how to bounce off of his character without being just as standoffish.

The computer beeped suddenly with a system alert and Jason tapped a few keys to pull up the security camera footage. It showed a group of three down in the front room. A woman who Ambrose thought looked incredibly gorgeous, and two kids who seemed younger than her and Jason.

"Friends of yours?" Ambrose asked.

"Yeah," he admitted.

Jason tapped a few more keys, opening up the elevator doors for the group and watching them go inside, "The more the merrier."

Jason walked out of the room first, leaving Dick and Ambrose to awkwardly take up space in the dark room.

"Uh...I'm sorry," Ambrose blurted out, "I've been a bit rude. I'm not really as good with people as I pretend to be. I mean...I only have two friends, and one of them I haven't seen in person in, like, 6 years."

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