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Ambrose felt awkward just sitting in the backseat of Hank and Dawn's car. Jason had started the ride with his normal rambling, only to be silenced by Hank's anger and then by being ignored. Ambrose was kind of feeling like she wanted to jump out of the car at this point and just get there herself.

Jason, in his own boredom, had taken to annoying Ambrose by continuously pushing the button on his bracelet to catch her attention. She was five seconds away from ripping it off him and confiscating it for the near future, but she knew she would give it back immediately after out of guilt.

"I think that's Kory," Ambrose muttered, seeing the magenta-haired woman arguing with another woman outside of what looked like a magical force field.

"And that's Donna," Dawn pointed out the dark haired woman arguing with Kory.

Jason got out of the car, grinning at the two women who looked like they were about to start fist-fighting, "Hey, don't stop on my account. I like where that was heading."

"Jay, keep on track," Ambrose reminded him.

"Jason? Ambrose?" Kory looked confused.

"That's right! The goddamn cavalry has arrived!" Jason announced.

Ambrose just gave her a half-wave, "Hi, Kory."

Donna gave Jason a look of disgust, "What the fuck is that? And why is it wearing Dick's costume?"

"The new and improved Robin."

"The annoying new Robin."

"Hi, I'm Ghost. Ambrose. Whichever," Ambrose introduced herself to Donna.

Dawn smiled at Donna, "Who's your friend?"

"Um, Hank, Dawn, Kory Anders. She's an alien."

Ambrose nodded slowly, "New information. Cool, cool."

"What?" Kory whispered aggressively.

Donna shrugged, "It's true."

"You could've put a little more love into that. Well, I wish we were meeting under better circumstances."

"Why are you guys here?"

"Rachel got inside of her head at the hospital," Hank explained.

"Yeah, I think she woke me up from my coma. She's in there, isn't she?"

Ambrose walked up to the forcefield, activating her intangibility before cautiously reaching out. She flinched when her hand bounced right back with a spark of electricity.

"Well, I can't get in. What exactly is happening here?" Ambrose asked.

"Rachel's father is a being called Trigon. And if we can't stop him here, he'll destroy your world. And move on, destroying countless others. Our scripture states Trigon can only fully inhabit your world after he breaks Rachel's heart."

"We're talking metaphors, right?"

"We don't know. But if we don't get through that force field and into the house in there, I'm afraid we're never gonna find out."

Hank scoffed, "Kid should've asked us to get fucking Superman."

The forcefield suddenly emitted a bright light.

"Oh great. That's not concerning," Hank said sarcastically.

Ambrose sighed, "I think Triangle is inviting us in."

"Trigon," Kory corrected.

Ambrose just gave her a blank look, "I know what I said."

"Titans! And...new Robin...and whoever you are...Let's go," Donna said.

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