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Ghost stood over the broken and unconscious bodies, looking down at them with mock disappointment, "Man, can't you all just find a nice hobby? Like knitting, or fixing up cars, or hell, fishing? I don't know. Instead you come out here and have to be all annoying, and then get mad when you get beat up. Like, you should only be angry with yourselves at this point."

She took out her rope and tied it around the group, "Not to mention I have to buy so much damn rope. Do you even know my rope budget? Horribly ridiculous. I've been having to tell the store managers that I run a personal business making flower art and shit. Like those hanging flower pots? Seriously. I mean those things are cool, but still."

"It's like you never shut up."

Ghost finished tying off the knot with a hum before turning around, "Hello, birdy."

"It's Robin," he corrected.

"I know," Ghost smirked, adjusting her goggles, "You mind if we take this fight somewhere else? I don't mind doing our little dance, but I'd prefer not to be caught here when the cops come. I'll let you chase me."

Robin couldn't argue with that. He hated cops, and he didn't think Batman would be too happy to hear he got locked up because he was doing something he wasn't supposed to.

"Roof on that building," Ghost pointed out the tinted window to a tall building just down the street, "Be there or be square, little birdy."

"That is the dumbest shit I've-" but she had already disappeared before he could finish, "Bitch."

Ghost giggled to herself as she passed through the walls of buildings and walked up the stairs to the roof. She knew Robin would already be there, but she couldn't help wasting his time just a little bit.

"Huh," Ghost paused in her step, "Maybe I do understand why he hates me."

She burst out into laughter, walking through the door onto the roof. She only laughed harder when she saw Robin already there.

"What the fuck are you laughing at?" Robin scowled.

Ghost waved him off, "Nothing, nothing. Just something I thought of."

Robin extended his no staff, "Let's just get on with this. I'm taking you in."

"Taking me in where? I literally do the same shit you do! Unless..." Ghost suddenly smirked, "Oh, I see. You can't stand that you don't know my identity. You and Batman. Wow. You men are always so damn entitled. What a turn off."

"Fuck you."

"I just said I was turned off, birdy," Ghost said mockingly.

Ghost did have to admit that while she loved their games and the mystery, she was curious too. She wanted all of this to end so she could do what she wanted.

Ghost rolled out her shoulders with a sigh before disappearing. Robin cursed and looked around, only to be hit by an unseen force that had him on his back. And as he tried to move, he felt his arms being pinned down.

Ghost reappeared above him, her knees digging into his arms. She moved to touch his mask, only for Robin to push his hips up on one side. She lost balance, and one of his arms came free.

Ghost rolled to the side as Robin jumped to his feet once more. For once, she wasn't saying anything. There were no playful quips or taunts. Her mouth was drawn in a straight line and she seemed completely serious.

They were both determined to end this fight. No running.

For the first time, Ghost reached back, sliding her katana from its sheath and holding it before her. If she was going to fight for real this time, she wasn't going to hold back.

Invisible (Jason Todd; Titans)Where stories live. Discover now