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[Six Months Later]

"Ghost, where the fuck are you? You were supposed to be on the outside perimeter."

Ghost, stepping out of the shadows, just rolled her eyes and responded over the com, "Relax, birdy, there were a few other stragglers I had to take care of. I'm getting to it. You and big Bat will be good when you get here."

While Ghost loved working solo jobs or duos with Jason, she almost abhorred working with Batman. She didn't hate him and he got the job done, but he made everyone tense. Specifically Jason. Anytime Bruce was there, Jason always had to show off and prove himself, which could make it harder for Ghost to do her part.

She was grateful enough to Bruce. He had given her a whole new uniform to wear and some stronger weapons, but she hated to think that made her his new little pet.

Ghost turned invisible as she approached the outskirts of the warehouse. There were at least ten men all around it, all holding guns. They looked stupid with their suits and their sunglasses. It reminded her of those cliche mafia movies she watched.

Ghost ran, putting her high school track years to shame as she made record time getting to the first man. She ripped the gun from his hand and smacked it so hard across his face, she heard a crack.

"What the fuck was that?" another man asked, drawing attention to the body on the floor.

The gun turned invisible in Ghost's hands and she shot twice, hitting one man in the leg and another in his shoulder. They yelled out in pain, the first one being cut off by the gun being thrown at his face. Ghost grabbed him as he stumbled back, shoving his head into the wall and knocking him out.

One by one she secured the perimeter before dragging all of the unconscious men around to the back so no one would find them.

"There. I'm done. Now get your panties out of a wad and do your part."

"Good job, Ghost," came Bruce's deep voice.

Ghost rolled her eyes, mocking him silently as she tied up the loose ends and made her way to the front of the warehouse, "Yeah, yeah. Just make sure this guy stays in Arkham this time, huh? Fucking annoying."

Ghost looked down at her wrist as it blinked a dull purple, just bright enough for her to see it, but not enough to draw attention. She tapped it in response. The sound of a cape flapping in the wind and boots hitting the ground behind her had Ghost turning around with a bored look. Things were so much more boring with Batman too. He was so strict. She understood the safety reasons, but he didn't always have to have such a stick up his ass.

Robin smirked at the sight of Ghost, "Fancy meeting you here. You come here often?"

Ghost felt herself brighten up, crossing her arms over her chest, "Oh, very. Isn't this place just so my style?"

Robin laughed before strutting around her and kicking open the warehouse door. He would play distraction at the forefront so Batman could sneak in and take down the big bad. This particular crazy liked to keep lots of dangerous company at all times. It made it easier for him to get away.

Ghost stepped in behind him, "Well, well, well. What do we have here?"


Ambrose tore off her new goggles, much more lightweight and durable than her last ones. She tossed them aside as she took a seat at the edge of Jason's bed. They tossed coins back and forth on where they would stay for the night, often settling on her apartment as she didn't want to leave her father alone for too long, though tonight she had lost. Ambrose always told him he didn't have to stay with her, but Jason had become used to her filling up the space beside him.

Invisible (Jason Todd; Titans)Where stories live. Discover now