Part 4

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Hello so first of all thank you for reading my story. Also the last part was pretty long and there is still alot that's going to happened.
Enjoy :)
He looked at me with a serious face.
I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and i felt my stomage tingeling. Our quiet moment got interrupted by Liam who walked in like a giant elephant.
"Yo what's going on in here?"
He smiled at me and walked over to us.
"Show us what movies you got"
i screamed like a nervous little child.
"Alright, i got 'Eat Pray Love' 'Saw' and 'The women in black' what do you want to watch alli?"
"Can we watch the women in black? I've never seen this one before"
"Good choice"
Said niall.
Liam but the movie in and we layed down on the bed.
I was laying on the edge of it, niall next to me and then liam. The Movie started and after 20 minutes it started to get scary . I was extremly scared. Niall looked at me and whispered
"You can come nearer if you want?"
as soon as he said that i did it. I haven't done it because it was niall, i did it because i was really freaked out. He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me tighter to his body. I was calmed when i felt his warm body. Liam slept. Yes he slept.
"I think someone's tired"
I said to niall as he turned his head to look at me. We were so close.
POV Niall:
Liam put the dvd in and the movie started. He sat next to me and on the other side, there was alli. After a while i felt her shaking. I looked at her and realised that she was afraid. I told her that she could come closer and so she did. I felt her body on mine. I put my arm around her shoulder because i knew that it would calm her. She looked at me with a little smile. She told me that liam was sleeping and when i turned my head back to her i could look into her eyes. She had the most beautiful eyes i've ever seen. But than i heard a nois.
POV alli:
Someone screamed. Liam woke up immediately. The lights gone on and i pulled myself away from niall.
"Did you guys miss me?"
It was louis who came back from his secret mission.
"Of course."
I said and laught.
"Alli i don't wanne freak you out but it's 15 past 8"
Liam said with a worried and tired face.
"Oh shit! I've to go know! Thanks guys it was really nice to meet you all"
I ran out of the room and to the lift. as i walked out of the hotel i got a bit mobbed by fans but i ignored them and ran home. I looked at my phone.
2 missed calls and 3 massages from mom.
I called her.
"Alli? Where are you?"
She sounded angry and scared at the same time.
"I'm on my way home. I'm there in 10 minutes. Don't worry i'll tell you everything later."
she hung up.
I opened the door to my grannys flat. I heard the tv and saw my parents sitting there. My mom ran to me and gave me a hug.
"I was worried"
my dad just looked at me and said
" Where were you? Your dinner is getting cold"
He smiled. I loved my dad, he's the funny and relaxed one in my family.
"John your daughter was away, alone, in new york."
"I know. Oh you want me to be worried alright. Wait a second. Oh honey what happend? Did you talk to strangers? You know your only 17 years old"
We had to laugh our ass off. He tried to do my moms voice.
"And know eat, go have a shower and than go to bed."
I did all of these things and went to bed. I couldn't sleep. I thought about what happened today. I've met one direction, cuddled with niall and watched a horror movie. I'm sad that i couldn't say goodbye to harry so i just wrote him a text massage.
'Hey harry i'm so sorry that i couldn't say bye but it was pretty late. I can't thank you enough for what you've done'
I put my phone away and tryed to sleep.
The next morning i woke up at 8 am. My parents still slept but my granny was awake and made breakfast.
"Good morning my little sunshine. How did you sleep? Want some bacon and eggs?"
" Good morning granny. I slept well thank you. Of course i want some."
She put the food on to my plate. We sat down on the couch and watched some good morning talk shows.
"How was your day yesterday? What have you done that you came home that late?"
" You won't believe me. I was spending the day with one direction. You know the band that i was telling you about. We sat in there car together and drove to there hotel. And than we spent the rest of the day in on of the boys rooms. they were asking me questions because they wanted to get to know me better."
"That sounds great!"
she looked at me with a big smile on her face. When we were finished with our breakfast, i walked into the bathroon and got ready for the day. I took a shower put on some 'hot pants' my black vans and a white t shirt. When i was finished i looked at my phone and saw that i got a message from harry and an other number that i didn't knew.
I opened harrys first:
'Hey no problem. And really you don't have to thank me and what i heard from niall was that you really enjoyed beeing with us.<3'
he was so cute and i also felt my cheeks blushing again.
And than i opened the other one:
' Hi it's me Niall. I hope you still know who. Anyways, we couldn't finish the movie and i asked the boys if they would like to see it too so i thought, maybe you want to come to?'
I was frozen in time. Did he really just asked me to meet them again? I wrote back
'Sure i would love to see you guys again. Where can we meet and when?'
Meanwhile i heard my parents were awake so i walked up to them and asked if i could go out. They were both to tired to think straight so they just said yes. I took my bag and left the flat. I walked out and looked into some cute little shops. I didn't had that much money with me so i couldn't buy anything but it was nice to get my head free. My phone rang and it was niall.
"Hello? Alli?"
"Hey Niall what's up?"
"Not much but you didn't answer my message i was sending so i called you"
"I'm sorry. I didn't heard it."
"No problem. I was just saying that we could meet infront of the same starbucks as yesterday? The boys can't come but i can take you off."
" Yeah that's okey. When?"
" Is know alright?"
"Ahm yeah i'll come"
"Good see you later"
We hung up and i walked down the street to the starbucks. I saw the same car standing there so i walked over. Niall opened the door and let me in. "Hey alli nice to see you again"
He pulled me into a friendly hug. "Hello"
I didn't know what to say acually. We started talking about yesterday about the movie and how my mom reacted when i came home.
"I haven't told my mom what i've done yesterday"
"I just forgot, well then i'll tell her today?"
The car was know infront of there hotel and it was the same situation as yesterday. Fans all over the place. "Take my hand and walk close behind me"
He smiled at me. One of the security guys opened the car door and pushed away some of the fans. Niall give his best and took some pictures with these girls. I felt a bit stubit holding his hand while he was taking pictures with all those fangirls. he didn't let go my hand even when we were inside the hotel. he was holding it really tight.
POV niall:
I had her hand when we walked trough the croud i knew that i could lose her in this mob of people. But it felt right it felt good to hold her hand. I didn't wanted to let her hand go so i was just holding it all the time. I tought that she's not going to recognise. When we stand infront of the lift and waited i heard people taking pictures of us and that was the moment when she let go my hand.
POV alli:
I had to pull my hand away, basically because i don't want to be involved in these rumors. The lift opened the doors and we walked inside. We stand really close together again. I looked at nialls face to see his emotion. Nothing. did he really just forgot to let my hand go? And why do i even care it's not that he has any emotions for me he is famous and i'm just the girl that got hit by a camera. Finally on the 7th floor. We walked up to a diverent room this time. The security guy was knocking and someone opened the door. It was louis " Oh hey Alli. nice to see you again! sorry that we couldn't come with niall but we had to record and he was the only one that was finished that early."
"Hey louis. When will you guys be finished?"
"We don't know yet but you can come in and listen"
Me? allowed to listen to the newest song of one direction. i just had the biggest smile on my lips and stept inside the room. It was extremly hot and steamy. Of course, i mean they can't open a window and there is so much technic stuff in here. The song was really good and i loved every second of listening. After an hour the boys were finally finished. we walked out of the room and went to nialls room. the first thing the boys did were opening the windows. All the fans could see them know so they screamed like someone gets murdered. Meanwhile Liam was getting the dvd and niall looked at the minibar. he took out every single pringles back he could get. When liam came, harry and louis closed the window and fell on to the bed were niall and me were already laying. the bed was really small for 5 people so louis had to sit on the chair that stands next to the bed. I had to cuddl with niall because he had to hold me with both of his hands so that i couldn't fall out of the bed. The movie started. I couldn't concentrate, i layed nearly on nialls chest whitch made me feel a bit weird. The movie was really scary but i was to tired and calmed of his heartbeat that i fell asleep. After a while i felt someone moveing so i woke up.
"Shh sleep"
I heard and fell back asleep.
POV niall:
The movie was over and alli fell asleep. "I'll wake her"
said louis who sat next to me and her. "No i'll bring her home."
I said.
"Alright but you don't know where she lives?"
the boys looked at me with a curious face.
"When i talked with her whilest we sat in the car, she told me where she's living."
It was quiet and everyone had a smile on there face. I lifted alli up and carried her out of the hotel into the car. Luckily the fans have left. I mean it was't that late. Anyways i Layed her down on the back seats and sat down in the front row. When we arrived at the building, i looked and pressed the button from her grandmothers flat.
"Who's there?"
An old womens ladys voice came out of the speaker.
"My name's Niall horan i bring alli. She fall asleep"
I just heard some noises and the door opened. With alli in my arms i went up to the flat. The door was already opened and a women stand in it. I guess it was her granny. Wow she really didn't looked like 65.
" Bring her in. I'll show you where her room is."
I stept inside and brought her into the guest room. When i layed her down on the bed, she woke up but i calmed her so she fell back asleep. I closed the door behind me and turned around.
" So you are the boy that my granddaughter is talking about all the time?"
" Well i don't know if she's talking about me but could be, yes."
I said a bit unsure.
"You can say you're lucky that i was the only person in this flat, her mom would have asked you thousends of questions. Her dad's not the person who askes you alot. He ether likes you or not."
"Good to know."
I said with a smile on my face.
my phone rang. It was my driver.
"I should go now. It was nice to meet you."
She smiled at me and said i should be carefull. I thought she meant the traffic but the look on her face said something else. I drove back to the hotel and still no fans were around.
I opened my room and all three boys still sat on the bed.
"And tell us have you kissed her? Did you asked her for a date? Come on don't let us wait."
Louis jumped up and down on the bed. He really was curious.
"Could you stop that. No we didn't kiss and no i didn't asked her out. Why do you ask? She will never like me like that.She even let go my hand while we were waiting for the lift"
"You're talking shit you know THAT?" Harry shouted at me.
"Why are you shouting?"
"Because you're an idiot. Of course she likes you. We saw you snuggling with her and she looked at you all the time. I dare you to write her a message wright know."
He pointed on my phone. I stood up and left the room i wanned to call her but she slept and i didn't wanted to wake her up so i wrote her a little text.

'Hey alli i hope you slept well. I was wondering if you would like to ... well go out with me? I know that sounds a bit weird but i really want to get to know you better and be alone with you. What do you say?' i pressed sending and locked my phone.
Now i had to wait....

Our Moment //Niall Horan ff//Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora