Part 9

17 5 1

Btw they haven't kissed yet it was just a dream if you haven't noticed. :)
Also thank you so much for reading.
We looked into eachothers eyes. I don't know how long we stood there like this. Suddenly he said something.
"Alli? I really wanne ask you something"
My voice sounded bright and squeaky.
"You know that we're about to leave in 2 days. And i thought about what if you come with us for the american part of the tour?"
"You want me to come with you? Of course i would love to"
He put his arms away and made a step back.
"That's good. I hoped you would say yes."
He smiled at me and left me standing there only with my towl around my body.
I went back in the bathroom and finished my morning routine. I put my hair into a bun and put on some shorts and a dark red crop top. My shouse as always my black vans.
"Niall are you ready to go?"
"Yes. Let's go"
I closed the door behind me and we went outside the building.
"Hey? You've heard? We got a ship name"
I blushed and looked down to the floor. "N-no"
I lied because i wanted to hear the name out of his mouth.
"They call us Nirri"
He had to smile. I just couldn't hold in my laugh.
"Why are you laughing"
He also started laughing and we both just stood there in the middle of a road laughing about our ship name.
"Not important. Where do you wanne go now?"
"What about 'Madame Tussauds'?"
He said with an asking face.
"Of course. I love it there. i mean you can take pictures with every famous person you want"
Niall just looked at me with this funny face and said.
"Who do you wanne meet? I can call them for you"
And again i bursted out laughing and couldn't talk so he just hugged me and laught with me. We started walking and he took my hand. It felt so good with him. We walked down to the subway station and waited. After about 30 Minutes we were there. Infront of 'Madame Tussauds'.
"Let's go inside"
He said and we walked in.
After we got our ticket we walked into the first room.
It was full with actors.
"Oh my god look there's Johnny Depp"
I ran to the wax figure and told nial to take a picture.
"You look cute"
He showed me the picture. It really looked good. We walked around for a long time.
"Wait let's take a selfie together with Frank Sinatra"
I went up to Niall and we took a selfie with this wax figure.
"Do you like him?"
I asked.
"Yeah i love him. 'Fly me to the moon' is one of my favourite songs."
He smiled at me and than turned back to the figure.
"Is it okey if i would post this picture on instagram?"
"Your acount, your picture."
"Alright. It's a cute picture so i'll post it. What's your name on instagram?"
Oh shit. Since i'm a niall fangirl my name's 'AllixHoran'. I can't tell him that.
"I-i don't have-"
"Don't you lie to me. I saw the app when your mom called and i accepted the it"
He laught.
"Alright but promise me you won't laugh"
"I promise"
"Nice name"
He winked at me and i felt the rednes in my cheeks coming trough.
"And posted"
He grabbed my hand again and we went outside. We were inside for 3 hours. We walked around for a while to find a nice cafè. We decided to go into one that was called 'The little rose'.
It was really cute in there and not so full with people, whitch was nice. We sat down on a little table for two in a corner.
"So let's talk about the thing with the tour"
I said whilst eating a little pice of cake.
"Well if you're oke with it. I would say that you would sleep in our bus. You could come to our rehearsals or walk into the citys to see some places, you know. You can also come to our shows we would give you a VIP ticket and stuff like that."
"That sounds really good. But i can't go with you for the whole tour."
"I know. You can come with us for 2 Weeks and than we have one week break. I thought that you could fly with our jet."
He gave me a wink and nipped on his coffee.
"Fine but you have to promise me that you'll have time for me on the tour"
"Of course. I have time for you whenever you want"
"Oh my god you're Niall horan!!Can i take a picture with you?"
A fan came over to us.
"Yes sure"
Niall stood up and took the picture. When the girl left, he said that he's just going to the toilet and will be back in short time. Not long after that, the girl came up to me again.
"Alright. Listen up. You're Niall horans new girlfriend is that right? Whatever. You have to promise me that you're not going to hurt his feeling. He is the most kind person you will ever get to know and you can be happy that he likes you. So if you hurt him, we hurt you."
She stood up and left. I couldn't even say anything to her. We are not together. I would never hurt him. Why do people think all of this. I need to get out of here.
"Hey is everything alright?"
"Niall..c-could we please go?"
My face was completely white.
"Yeah sure. I'll just go and pay. Wait here"
"No i want to go with you. Please don't let me be alone again."
I don't know why i got a panic attack. I just knew that i don't wanted to be alone.
"Sure. Come"
He took m hand an we went to the cash register.
"That would be 10.35$"
"Wait i'll pay mine"
I was about to take out my wallet but Niall didn't wanted me to pay.
"No i'll pay for you too"
He smiled and gave the money to the waitress.
We already heared the fans outside the little cafè.
"Give me your hand. Head down and walk close to me."
I did what he said and we went outside.
Fans were screaming and some were pushing and hitting there phones infront of our faces. There even were paparazzies. I knew that this ment people will know about us all over the world.
After alot of pushing and screaming we arrived in the subway. No fans were here.
"Hello media. Get ready for 'Nilli'!"
I said to niall. We both just laught as always.
"We're going to rock the couple look"
"You know we're not a couple"
I said.
"Who know what comes in the future"
We looked at eachother but the silence got interupted by the voice whitch said in whitch station we where and where we had to go out. We walked up the stairs and walked to my flat.
20minutes later.
"Alright here we are."
"Niall thank you very much for this lovely day with you."
"It was a pleasure mrs.Burton"
I had to giggle as he said my last name.
"I'll go in now. Do you have time tomorrow?"
"Alli...i-i'm sorry but i have to pack my stuff you know we leave tomorrow in the night. Have you talked with your parents yet."
"Oh shit. Can you come with me so that they maybe say 'yes"
I said with a bright grin on my lips.
"Fine, but just because you're cute"
I hugged him and we walked inside.
"Mom i'm back. Niall's here too."
"Hello sunshine. Oh hello Niall. Alli talked about you before."
I rolled my eyes. Why did she had to bring this up.
"Where's dad?"
"He's in the kitchen with granny."
"I have or better we have to ask you something"
We all sat down on our couch and niall started.
"Since alli and me are really close friends and i have to leave new york tomorrow, i wanted to ask for your permission that alli's coming with us on tour for 2 Weeks. We would fly her home with our jet after these two weeks."
"So you want that our girl is going on tour with strangers for 2 weeks? Well i'm fine with it."
My dad said. i love him.
"If your dad's fine with it, Than me too"
My granny was always on my dads side. They both are really relaxed and know that lifes to short to worry.
"It's 2 against one mom so-"
"Honey i love you. I just want that you won't do stupid things. I'm fine with it too."
I had to scream because of happiness. I hugged everyone and looked at niall, who already stood at the door. My parents, my granny and i walked up to him.
"Goodbye Niall"
My dad shook his hand.
"Was nice to see you again."
My granny said smiling.
My mom just smiled and shook his hand too.
"Bye mr.Horan"
We had to laugh. He hugged me tight and than left the flat.
1 Hour later i layed in my bed playing with my phone.
I can't believe this. I'm going on tour with my boys for 2 Weeks.
My phone vibrated. I looked on my display and saw.
1 massage from niall<3
'Hey alli it was a very nice day with you today. Sorry for all the fans. We're going to pick you up at 9pm and than we're heading of to the airport. Sleep well my princess<3'
I had a grin on my face when i put my phone on my night table.
I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. I fell aslepp with niall in my head.

Our Moment //Niall Horan ff//Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora