Part 7

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ALRIGHT!! This is my 7th part and i really hope you like it. Btw this is important for this part. Alli has her own room. I know what you think she's never visited her grandmother why does she have her own room. Well her granny made this room only for her and alli started decorating it on the day she arrived.
We went outside the hotel. No fans. Actually, i was really happy about it. I didn't want any rumors about me and any of these boys. We decided to walk to the restaurant. I had no idea where we were about to go so i just followed them and while that i checkt my twitter. I realised i wasn't online since the day i arrived. I gained thousends of followers and some of them tagged me in pictures and tweets. I was shocked because they even started to give Niall and me a ship name. They called us 'Nilli'. I thought the name was kind of cute but when had all of this started. After a good 20 Minutes walk with some girls walking by and asking for pictures, we arrived. We stood infront of an actuall fancy restaurant. I turned around to Liam and said with a worried face
"I can't go inside. I mean look at me. I'm not wearing the right cloths for this"
"Alli please don't worry about it. We know the owner and hes pretty chilled."
He gave me a relaxing smile.
Niall was infront of me and talked with harry. I walked in the last. A waitress came and brought us to our table. We sat down and we got the menu. I wasn't that hungry so i just wanted a small portion of ham and eggs. I sat between Harry and Louis. When the waitress came to get our orders she started to fangirl a bit whitch was weird.
"You guys are from one direction right. Oh my god i can't believe you guys eat here. What do you wanne eat."
"Oh can i get the small potion ham an-"
"Sorry but who are you?"
She looked at me with a disgusted face. "Ähm excuse me? I just wanted to order?"
I said. I tryed to be friendly but what the hell.
"Yeah i know but i asked the boys and not you. I don't think you're in one direction or are you?".
I was shocked. What did just happened. Did this waitress just made me down?
"She's our friend."
"Oh! I'm really sorry. I didn't ment to-"
"You know i hate people like you. You think just because you don't know me you kann pull me down. Guess what i don't care if you're sorry. Stick it in your ass"
I was to angry to start a fight so i just left the restaurant. I didn't even looked back. I didn't expect anyone to run after me. I mean she didn't said anything to the boys and they didn't really defended me.
"Hey! Alli! Wait for us."
I looked back and saw all three boys walking up to me.
"You really came after me?"
"Of course. We told her to leave us and that she's a bitch"
"WHAT? You really said that to her?" "No but something like that. But it wasn't all of us it was niall"
"Where is he?"
"He's still in there and is talking to that girl"
Louis pointed inside. You can see his anger even 40 meters away. The boys looked at me and said that we should go to my place since fans spotted us and they don't know where i live. I said yes and we started walking but than i realised that niall's still in there.
"He will come after us"
I turned around and lead them to my flat. The walk was quiet.
I opened the door and we stepped inside the flat.
"Hello! I'm home!"
I didn't got any reaction so i walked around. No one was at home. My parents left a note saying 'We are of to see some buildings and your granny's with us. We probably won't come home until 10 pm. I wasn't happy about it but i can't change that i guess.
"And what do you wanne do now?"
I asked bored.
"We could watch movies or play some video games?"
"This is my grannys flat. Do you think she got video games? No she doesn't."
I had to laugh and so did the boys. Since no one got a better idea, i put in a movie and we sat on the couch. The movie was really boring and Louis and Liam fell asleep. They looked really cute. Harry started asking me questions whitch was more interesting than the movie. We started to aske more privat question until
"What is that for a thing between you and niall. Have you kissed yet?"
I blushed and looked down on the floor. That was a question i was really afraid of, because i didn't knew the answer.
"I really don't know harry. No we haven't kissed yet since you guys seemed to like to interrupted us."
"We are sorry"
He laught and kept going.
"You like niall don't you?"
"Yes he's a good friend"
"Don't lie to me. You sat on his lap... in your underwear. That's nothing that 'just friends' do"
"Harry.. i don't know, alright. He's cute and i really like him. A lot. But he's a famous person. He could have every girl he wants and i don't think that i'm go-"
"Stop it. You are perfect for him. He can't stop talking about you. He always tells us how bad he wants to kiss you and just be with you. He loves you."
I tryed not to cry. That was the most cutest thing i've ever heard. I also heard the door bell and ran to the door. It was niall standing there.
"I'm sorry for not defending you but i wanted to talk to her and make sure that she's never doing stuff like that again."
I give him a huge hug when i saw him.
"What have you told her?"
I smile from one ear to another.
"Well you don't have to know everything."
He made a step closer to me and closed the door behind him without losing my eyes. I walked up to the couch and saw that harry also fell asleep.
"Hey now you can show me YOUR room since you always come to my hotel room."
He smirked and winked at me.
"Alright but i didn't clean up so don't expect to much."
I said taking his hand and leading him. I opened my door, let him walk in and closed it immediatly.
"Nice room"
He just said looking around.
"Thank you. I tryed to decorate it like my room at home."
"This picture is cute. Who is this?" "This is me and my best friend when we were 6 Years old. She died 5 years ago."
I had a little think break and went up to niall who looked at me like he's about to cry.
"Alli i..i didn't kn-"
"How can you. I've never told you. I'm not that sad. You know things happen for a reason"
I smiled at him to tell him 'everything's fine' .
"How long are you going to stay in new york?"
"I think we're going to leave in about 2 weeks and you?"
He looked sad so i asked
"Is everything alright?"
"Well you know i think i should tell you. We just had a break from our tour and the tour through america is going to start in 3 days"
"So you mean we only have 3 days left"
he looked down on the floor.
"Alright than lets make the best out of it."
I smiled and pushed his head up so that he looks me into my eyes. He let out a sad smile. I layed my hand on his cheek and gave him a kiss on his cheek. He blushed and that made him even cuter.
"The first thing i'm about to do is waking up the boys."
I walked up to the door and tryed to open it. It was locked and i heard someone from the otherside saying "We're not going to open the door until you two talked"
"Harry! What do you mean by talk?" "You know what i mean and now do it"
Niall sat on the bed and laught his ass of. He could stop so i sat down next to him and said
"Niall we really have to talk."
"What happend between us in the morning and feelings in generrel" "Okey should i start or do you want?" "I don't know"
"Alright i start. Alli you are the most beautiful girl i know. From the very first moment i've seen you i knew there is something between us. I really like you."
"Niall. I don't know where to start so i just say it."
"Go on"
He said with a worried face.
"I'm a fangirl"
"A fangirl?"
We had to laugh and even harry had to laugh and opened the door.
"Guys i see that this is not working how i planed it so i'll let you out."
"You are now free horses"
I heard louis screaming from the livingroom. Niall and i went out of the room and burst out laughing. We sat down next to the boys. When i asked "What movie do you guys wanne watch?"
"Do you know 'black swan'?"
"Yeah i actually have it here."
I went into my room to get the dvd. The boys already waited for me so i put the dvd in the player as fast as i could. I also made some popcorn whitch i placed on the little table infront of us. Louis sat on my grannys chair. Liam and Harry sat on our couch and Niall and me sat on the floor. I mean you can't really call that 'Sitting' it was more of an 'We try to sit but slip away with our asses.' After a while the movie started to get really confusing and some parts were scary so i decided to cuddle with Niall.
"Pst Niall can i lean on you or something like that. I slip away the whole time."
I had to whisper, because i didn't wanted to get any attention.
"Of course you can. Come here"
He placed his arm around my shoulder and held me thight to his body. I put my head on his chest and kind of formed myself into a ball. It was the perfect position. I could cuddl with this beautiful guy and still watch a movie. After that i only caught him looking at me two times. The funny thing about it, both times were during the sex scenes. Should i get the signals or was it just a coincidence. I don't know i only knew the movie was over and it was pretty late.
"Alli it was really nice of you to let us in, but now we have to go."
Said Liam
"No problem. Thanks for come with me."
I let out a smile that came from heart. It was really nice that they haven't eaten in the restaurant.
"Guys i'll stay here. I mean if that's alright with you alli. I just don't want you to be alone you know?"
A happy niall turned around to me. His blue eyes starred into my eyes. It was intense.
"Yes you can stay. My parents note said that they will be here at 10pm so it should be fine."
I huged the other boys and they left. Now me and Niall were alone in my flat.
"And? What do you want to do next?" He said, leaning on the back of my couch with a smirk on his lips.

Our Moment //Niall Horan ff//Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora