Chapter 17: Trevor

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I usually don't get up early but I couldn't help it. Sam and Savannah are doing their dance thing today. I heard Sam's bedroom door open. I got out of bed and threw on some shorts and a T shirt from Vidcon 2014. I also put on a black beanie. I snuck down the hall I heard Savan knock on the door. Sam opened it and I bolted down the stairs. Sam closed the door. Shit I thought. I put my ear to the door. I couldn't hear what they were saying. I looked through the peephole and I saw the back of Sam's head and Savannah. She looks so beautiful. Her hair was up in a high bun. She was wearing a somewhat see through crop top with a patterned sports bra on and little black shorts and tennis shoes. She was wearing a mint green striped Aeropostale bag on her shoulder. She started giggling and Sam flipped his keys in his hand. He put his arm around her and they walked to the car. I wanted to follow them but I didn't. I turned around and went back up stairs. I put my pajama pants back on and crawled into bed. I tried to get back to sleep but I just couldn't. I picked up the Hunger Games off my night stand and read until I finished. I heard the bathroom door close, toilet flush, and someone coming down the hallway. Andrea walked past my door. She had booty shorts and a white tank top on. Her hair was up in a messy bun. "Trevor?" She said, obviously surprised. "What are you doing awake?" "Couldn't sleep." I said. I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks. "Aww Trev what's the matter?" She said, coming further into my room. "'s just...uh...nothing. You can go to sleep if you want Andrea." I said putting my head down. She closed the door and came over to my bed. "No. I'm not leaving until I at least try and make you feel better." She said and climbed on my bed. "Tell me what's wrong." She coaxed. I started to tell the story about the pier and Sam and the dance thing and ending with this morning. By the time I was done she was hugging me and I was sobbing. "Aww Trevor you think Sam is stealing Savan. No no that's not what's happening. You need to stop worrying. She likes you not Sam." I felt a lot better after talking to Andrea. We fell back asleep and woke up at 9:30. We got up and went down stairs. "Morning you two!" Ricky shouted. "Dude keep it down." Andrea said. We ate and talked. "So Sam asked me if we, Jenn and I, would help Savan with her costumes. So I think around noon we should go over to their studio and offer the shopping and lunch thing. What do you guys think?" Andrea said aloud to all of us at the table (Ricky Jenn Me and Kian). "I'm down." Jenn said. "I'll come and help with Sam's costume." Ricky offered. "I'm coming!" I said, a little too excitedly. "Okay well I'm sorry I can't. Tyler and Troye want me to help them with their collab so I'll be at Tyler's all day." Kian said. He left for Tyler's and we all went to get ready. After my shower I picked out my outfit for the day. A plain black v neck shirt with some kaki shorts and a silver cross on a beaded chain and a black beanie. I did my hair, brushed my teeth, made my bed, slipped on my black vans, grabbed my sunglasses and phone, and went down stairs. Jenn and Ricky were there. "Andrea is grabbing something real quick and then she'll be down." Jenn said. "Okay." I said. Andrea came bounding down the stairs keys in hand. "Ready everyone?" She said smiling. "Yas!!" We all said in unison. She tossed Ricky his keys and we all paraded out the door. Ricky and I got in his car and Jenn and Andrea in Jenn's car. We all drove to the dance studio. Once we got there I offered to peak in the windows to see which one was theirs. I went to all the studios. 6A was the one. I looked in and they were there. Dancing away. Looking into each other's eyes. I turned around and walked back outside. "6A." I said. Jenn and Andrea went in and 5 minutes later they came out with Sam and Savan. Well that idea was a hit, I thought to myself. We all got in our cars and went to the mall. The whole ride there Sam would not shut up about his dancing with Savannah. I was about to reach into the back seat and strangle him. We all met in the food court. Sam and Savannah went for pizza. I felt really angry when Sam grabbed her hand and took her away from me. I went to Panera Bread Co. With Ricky. I ordered a salad just so I could use my fork to stab something. We all sat together. I sat on the end of the table while everyone talked and laughed. I stabbed my salad with rage. When we were all done we split up. Sam found his outfit really quick. We went into Payless and we ran into Savannah, Jenn, and Andrea. Savannah found her shoes and her and Sam had to make a big scene, well it was Sam's idea, and they drew a crowd. Uggggh!! I am so mad right now. Anyway we drove Savannah and Sam back. Once we got home I immediately went to my room, slammed the door, got into my pajamas, curled up in bed, and read Catching Fire until I fell asleep.

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