Chapter 12: Savannah

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Chapter 12: Savannah
My eyes fluttered open. The first thing I noticed was I wasn't in my bed, my house. I'm in my... Never mind where I am I said to myself I'm with the most amazing person. I sat up and looked at my phone. It was 8:30. I slowly got out of bed not to wake Trevor. I crept down stairs. The first thing I noticed was a boy out on the patio. A boy I've never seen before. He turned around. "Oh hello. I didn't see you. I'm Sam. Sam Potorff. I live here. Who are you?" "I'm Savannah Roberts. I stayed the night and I came to make breakfast. Do you want to help?" "Sure. What should I do?" "Um you can start the eggs. I'll make French toast and toast and such. Did you make that coffee?" "Ya I'm an early riser. I just wanted to see the sun and such." He laughed. I giggled. I started by heating up the pan and making the coating for the toast. Sam made the eggs and sausage. I got out mugs, plates, and silver wear. I finished up the French toast. I set everything on plates. "There. Done." I said. "You are an excellent cook." "Thank you. What's your hidden talent?" I asked sipping my coffee. "I can dance really well." "I wish I could. I look like a whale when I dance." "I can teach you." He offered. "Well that's kind of you. When?" "How about now?" "That works." I said. I set my mug on the counter. He put on some dancing music. "Not to loud," I warned "Everyone else is still asleep." "Right." He said. He explained all the proper hand motions and steps. "So are you ready to try?" He asked. "Sure. Let's give it a shot." I laughed. I placed my hands in the proper places on his back and we grasped hands. We started our dance and it was super fun. We laughed and he spun me. "Sam that was super fun. We need to do that again. Sometime." "Ya that was really fun." I looked over at the stairs to see Kian standing there. "Hey." Sam said. "How long have you been standing there?" "Long enough to see you two dance. Savannah I thought you and Trevor were like a thing?" "Kian. We met yesterday. And yes I do like Trevor but Sam was just teaching me to dance. It doesn't mean anything." "Ya dude she thought me to cook so I thought here to dance. We're not getting married or anything." "Ok good. I made a ship for Savannah and Trevor so I was worried. Savor. It's perfect." "He hasn't even asked me out yet. Don't get your hopes up." I said. "Would you like some breakfast?" Sam asked Kian. "Who cooked it?" "Sam and I" I said. "This looks delicious guys." Kian said. He grabbed a plate and piled on the food. Sam and I made our plates and we all went out to the deck. Pretty soon everyone was up and eating food. "Seriously who made this? It's amazing." Jenn said. "Sam and Savannah made it." Kian said. "This is incredible guys." Ricky said. "It was mostly Savannah." Sam said. "Ya but the dancing was all you." I said and immediately regretted it. "What?" Andrea said dropping her fork. "Ya. Savannah taught Sam how to cook so Sam taught her how to dance." Kian said. "They
were really good." "Can we see it?" JC asked. "Ya." Jenn said "I wanna see." "Alright. Savannah," he bowed "Can I have this dance?" I giggled and curtseyed. Ricky started the music. I was really nervous at first but it ended up being really fun. The song was done and Sam bowed and I curtseyed. Everyone clapped. I looked over at Trevor. He was smiling. "Wow Savannah you're amazing. We will have to dance sometime." "Totally." I smiled back. "Ok," Kian said. "Now that everyone's done with breakfast it's time to get ready for the day. Girls will share the upstairs bathrooms and guys will get the down. I felt a hand touch my shoulder. It was Trevor. "Hey beautiful. You know there's a secret bathroom in JC's room, if you want to use that one." "Thank you Trevor. But I think Andrea Jenn and I are sharing the one upstairs." "Ok see you in like an hour or so." "Ok" I said kissing him on the cheek. He blushed and walked away. I walked upstairs and got my make up bag from Trevor's room and headed to the bathroom. Jenn was in there already. "Hey Savan." She said taking her long blonde hair out of its bun. "Hey." I said setting my make up bag on the counter. "Who's going first to the shower?" "Um you can if you want otherwise I'll go. Andrea should be here soon. She's just cuddling with Kian." "Oh ok um I'll go first I guess." I said. I took off the pajamas Trevor lent me and got in the shower. After I was done Jenn handed me a towel. "Thanks. Where's Andrea?" "Honestly I don't know. She was supposed to come in here but she hasn't yet." She said taking off her shirt. She got in the shower and I got dressed. I have a cream and paisley print dress with black ballet flats. I was in the middle of my hair and make up and Jenn just got out of the shower when Andrea walked in. "Where were you?" Jenn asked. "With Kian." She answered. "Just as we figured." I giggled. I continued to put on my mascara. Andrea got in the shower and I was leaving and Jenn was finishing straightening her hair. I went into Trevor's room. "Hey little Trevy." I joked. "Hey Savan. Do you wanna help me make the bed? I mean you did sleep in it." "Sure." I said. "Did you have fun last night Savannah?" "I had the time of my life. I so hope to do it again." I said pulling up my end of the sheet. "Would you come stay again sometime?" "Totally. I loved making breakfast, hanging with Jenn and Andrea, being with you on the roof, and dancing with Sam. It was all so much fun. Hey after we're done do you wanna dance?" "I'd love to." "Great. Then let's get this done." I said. We finished making the bed, Trevor put on some music, and bowed. I curtseyed. We started our dance. I felt an electric current come through me. But not like when I danced with Sam. That was a whole other feeling. This was more romantic than with Sam. The song finished and we laughed. "That was so good!" He said. "Ya I felt like we were flying." I said. "Oh here I've got the clothes you lent me. Thank you so much. I don't know what I would have done." "Gone commando?" Trevor suggested. "No way!" I said and lightly punched him in the arm. He laughed. "No way!" I said. "What?" "You have a balcony in your room! You are so lucky! My balcony is by our living room." "Ya, my room is the only one with a balcony. Do you wanna go out on it?" "Yes please." I said. He opened the door and sunshine poured into the room. "This is so amazing." I was in awe. "Do you have any plans today?" He asked. "I just have to do my school work. I brought my computer, if you don't mind, I can do it here and then I'm free all day. It's Saturday right?" "Yas girl! Kian's party was yesterday and yesterday was Friday." I laughed. "Good then I don't have to work but what are we doing? My boss wants me to do something with fashion for the next article and I have no idea what to do." "I have an idea. Everyone I the O2L house has clothes. You go and help the, pick out an outfit and then you take their pictures and make your boss happy. We can drive around to different places for different scenes and then we'll do my surprise I have for you." "Ok that sounds great. Can you get everyone to come to the living room to see if they agree?" "Sure meet me there in 5 minutes." I waited. Trevor came back up. "Their all for it! You can help choose the outfits and everything." "Awesome! Thank you so much Trevor." I said hugging him. "Your welcome. Jenn volunteered to go first. She's waiting for you in her room." "Ok. See you later." I left and went to Jenn's room. "Knockety knockety." I said as I entered. "Hey" she said. "Are you ready to start?" "Sure. What should I wear?" "Um let's see what do you have?" Jenn has a lot of cool clothes. We ended up picking a pink girly dress. We put her hair in a high bun with a bright pink bow with black sandals. "Wow! Savannah! You made me look great! Thank you! I can't wait to be in your magazine!" Jenn was so excited. "You're welcome. I got to go find Andrea." "Her room is upstairs. 3erd door on the right." I went upstairs and counted 3 doors down. I knocked just to make sure. "Come in!" Came Andrea's voice. "Hey." I said walking in. "Savannah I'm so excited! Thank you for choosing us to be in the magazine." "Your welcome Andrea. Now let's see what should you wear?" We picked out the cutest outfit for Andrea. She has a pair of light pink shorts, a white crop top with tribal print on it, a 3/4 length sleeve army green jacket, and white converse and we did her hair in a messy fishtail braid and make up done. "Savannah I look beautiful! Thank you so much!" I went to all the guys. Everyone looked so amazing. We decided to head to the beach to take some shots. They looked amazing. We went to other cool places. An old diner, the library, and the pier. We decided to spend the rest of the day at the pier. "Savannah?" "Ya Trevor." "Can we take a walk?" "Sure. It's a beautiful night." I said. Trevor and I walked and talked. "Savannah I know that I've only known you for like 2 days but I think I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?" "Oh my gosh! Of course Trevor. I'm honored." I said blushing. Then all of a sudden he just leaned in and kissed me. Literally I couldn't breathe. I sat with my feet over the edge of the pier with Trevor. I felt something touch my shoulder. It was Sam. "Hi Sam." I said. "Hey Savannah. Can I talk to you?" "Sure." I said butterflies wheeled up in my stomach. What if he asks me out? I worried. "I had a great time dancing with you." "Same. I felt like I was floating." I said. "So there's this dance competition and I wanted to know if you would enter with me?" "Of course! Sam I'm honored. But why me?" "I've never felt the way I feel when I dance with you. So do you wanna go grab dinner?" "Awww. That's awesome. Sure I'll grab some dinner." "There's a bar and grill at the end of the pier. It's really good." "Awesome! I'm starving." "Same." Before I knew it Sam lifted me off my feet and on to his back. He ran and I screamed. We got there and he dropped me on the ground and we both laughed. The waitress looked annoyed. We ordered our drinks when Jenn and Andrea came over to me. "Hey guys." I said. I sipped my drink as Sam and I shared fries. "What is up with you? Who do you like Trevor or Sam?" Jenn whispered in my ear. "We'll talk later." I whispered back. "What was that about?" Sam asked dipping his fry in the ketchup. "Oh Jenn asked if I had any pads. Her friend came unexpectedly." I lied. But it was convincing because Sam's ears turned bright red. "Oh." He said looking at his plate. "So when's the dance competition?" I asked. "Next weekend. Are you excited?" " I'm so excited" I said. "Well we need to do a number and practice. So do you want to do the one we did this morning?" "Yes! I love that one. What should I wear?" "I don't really know. We'll go shopping together and find something." "Ok I'm really excited." Our food came and Sam and I laughed and talked. Kian came to Sam and I as we were dancing on the boardwalk. "Time to go. Savannah why is Trevor so sad?" "I have no idea. I'll talk to him."

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