Chapter 16: Savannah

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Chapter 16: Savannah
BEEP!!! BEEP!!! BEEP!!!! I shot out of bed and slammed my alarm off. I groaned and got out of bed. Sam and I need to practice for the competition this weekend. I got in the shower and went about my daily routine. I picked out a patterned sports bra and work out shorts. I put on a coral crop top with lace frill on it over my bra. I'll probably take it off anyway I thought to myself. I put on my tennis shoes and started to pack a bag. I used my fave Aeropostale bag. I put in a change of clothes, pads and tampons (Periods aren't that bad), and the essentials. I grabbed a banana and my moped keys. Just in case my sister forgot about my dance thing with Sam I left her a note on the table. I hopped on my moped and sped off to the O2L house. On the way there I listened to one of the song Sam and I would be dancing to. The theme of the competition is movie songs and Sam picked the perfect one. Can I have this dance? From High School Musical. We have to do three dances in this competition. One slow, fast, and freestyle. I got to pick the song for fast. I picked Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon. Sam loved it. For our freestyle we chose a moderately fast and slow song. Fight Song by Rachel Platten. I pulled up to the house just as the sun was coming up. Sam told me to not ring the doorbell so I knocked softly. He came to the door, stepped outside, and closed it behind him. "Good Morning my partner in crime. How are you?" "I feel great. I'm so ready to dance. Can I ask you a favor?" "Sure. BTW I love the hair." He said poking the messy bun on the top of my head. I giggled. "Thanks. Anyway can we stop at Starbucks and get some coffee before going to the rehearsal space?" "Of course! I love coffee in the mornings. Come on let's go!" He said flipping his keys in his hand and walking towards the car. I followed. I jumped in the passenger side and he drove. We pulled up at Starbucks and ordered through the drive through. Once we were happily drinking our coffee we started for the rehearsal space. "So tell me what our first dance is like?" I asked. "Well I want to use most of the moves from the movie. And if it's not too much trouble I would like us to mouth the words as we are doing the dance. It will feel as if the audience is in the movie. Is that okay with you?" "That sounds incredible!" I said excitedly. I can't wait for this. "So you tell me your big plans for this fast dance. What do you imagine us doing?" I thought for a moment. Then it hit me. "We should do some of the dance moves from the music video then throw in some other '80's moves. What do you think?" "That sounds great. Let's focus on those two for right now and then we will work on the freestyle dance later. Okay?" "Okay. That sounds great." We drove for about three more minutes and we arrived. This space looked beautiful on the outside. 3erd Street Dance was the name. I'll never forget it. Sam swiped his keycard and we were in. Studio 6A was ours. We walked in and it was breathtaking. One wall lined with mirrors and a barre the other was painted a mint color. "Sam this space is beautiful! I love it so much!" "I knew you'd love it. Okay. So let's set up the music." We walked over to the state of the art sound system stereo. Sam hooked up his phone and we found the song. I pulled out my iPad and we watched the dance scene. "That looks super complicated." I said, nervously. "Don't worry. It's not as hard as it looks. It's basically what you already know with a few new moves. You'll be great." He assured me. "Okay then let's get started." I said, excitedly. I went through with what I said before and took off my top. It felt weird to be in a bra in front of a boy I wasn't dating but I just got used to it. We worked really hard on the slow dance. I'm super confident with it now and comfortable with Sam as my partner. We were in the middle of it when Jenn and Andrea knocked on the studio door and entered. "Hey!" Jenn shouted over the music. Sam looked at me and I knew he didn't want me to stop. We finished the dance and they applauded. "Wow! Guys that was so amazing!" Andrea practically screamed. "Th-anks." I said out of breath. Sam turned off the music and threw me my water. I drank basically half the bottle. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "Well you two have to go shopping to find your outfits. What dance are you guys working on right now? We will shop for that outfit today, the next tomorrow, and the third one the next day." "We have been doing the Can I have this dance? One today." Sam said. "Also we need lunch." I threw in there. "Alright we can stop for lunch at the mall. Are you guys in?" "Totally!" Sam and I said in unison. We all laughed. I started to grab my stuff but Sam stopped me. "No one can get in here but us. Just leave it." "Okay." I said as Sam helped me up. I grabbed my top and threw it on. We followed Jenn and Andrea outside. Ricky and Trevor were outside in their car. "What are they doing here?" Sam asked. "They wanted to come. They are here to help you find your outfit and we will help Savannah." Jenn explained. I got in the car with Jenn and Andrea. Sam with Ricky and Trevor. "So how's the dancing thingy going?" Andrea asked me. "Oh I love it. We have the routine down. I'm excited to learn the next two." I replied. Jenn talked about what happened at the house. Apparently my sister went over and hung with Ricky. That's good, I thought, she needs to start dating again. We pulled into the mall parking lot and searched for a space. We all met up in the food court. "So what do you guys want?" Trevor asked us. "I'm in the mood for pizza." Sam said. "Ohhhh pizza. I'm down." I said. "Great let's go." Sam said we held hands and jogged over to the Italian place across the way. I ordered a plain cheese with garlic bread on the side and a water. Sam got veggies on his and the same side and drink as me. He paid and I thanked him. "You didn't have to pay for me." I said. "I wanted to." He said and kissed my cheek. I felt a volt of energy. I shouldn't have but I did. They called our number and we grabbed our food and started looking for a table. Jenn found us one where we could all sit together. We talked and laughed. Once we were all done we split up to find the outfits. "See you soon." I said to Sam, waved good bye to Ricky, and kissed Trevor on the cheek. He blushed and walked off. Jenn, Andrea, and I decided to go to Wet Seal first. We walked in and went right for the dresses. We found one sorta like it so I tried it on. Once I had it on I walked out of the dressing room. Jenn searched the dress on her phone. "That's a pretty good match. We should get it but still keep looking." Andrea suggested. "Great idea." I said. I took off the dress and we went up to the register. Jenn paid and we moved on. Next stop was Rue 21. We went in and then I saw it. "Guys look!" I shouted, pointing at a manikin. "That's almost an exact match!" Andrea screamed. "Excuse me! Miss can we try on that dress please?" "Yes." She said, looking annoyed. "Thanks." I said, taking the dress and running to the fitting rooms. I put on the dress and walked out. "Oh my god." Andrea muttered, her eyes were huge and she was crying. Jenn just stood there, mouth agape. "What? Is it that bad?" I half joked. "That's the one." Jenn said hugging me. Andrea joined in. I took it off and we purchased it. "Now for the shoes." I said as we left. "Let's go to Payless first." Andrea suggested. "Okay." Jenn and I said. We walked in and headed toward the heels section. Jenn found a pair. "What about these?" She asked. They were a deep mint with a zipper back. Three rings for around the ankle and one over the toes. "Cute." Andrea said. I found my size and put them on. As Jenn was helping me up Sam came around the corner. "I thought I heard you guys here. How's it going?" "We found two dresses and we are looking for shoes right now." I said, filling in all the details. "That's great guys. I found my outfit as well. I think those will do. Let's see if you can dance in them." He said and bowed. "May I have this dance Savannah?" "Here?" "Why not?" I shrugged and curtsied . Andrea hit play on Sam's phone and we started dancing right in the middle of Payless. We even drew a small crowd. At the end they applauded. Sam bowed and I curtsied. A few people put money in the bag with my dresses. "We're a hit!" Sam said, excitedly. He picked me up in a hug. I bought the shoes and we headed back to the studio. I said goodbye to Jenn and Andrea. Sam unlocked the door and we were in. Once we were back in the studio we set the music back up. "Okay so I want to practice this dance one more time and then we can, if you want, start the next dance." "I want you to see both dresses and pick the one closest to the movie." I said. "Okay put one on. Keep in mind that you will need to have shorts on for the competition so you can just skip it on in here if you want." "Okay." I said and Tom the top off. I pulled the first dress out of the bag. This dress is white with a v neck and short sleeves. It has purpleishpink flowers and in is a moderate length. "The next one is closer to the movie one." I said. "I like this one though." Sam said. I pulled it off and put in the second one. This dress is cream colored with three finger tank top sleeves and it has blue, red, and yellow flowers on it. I put on the shoes. "Hello Gabriela Montez." Sam said. I giggled. He took off his shirt and shorts. I turned just before he did it. "You could have warned me." I said, uncomfortably. "Sorry about that. Here it is." I turned back around and my mouth dropped open. "Hi Troy Bolten." I quipped back. He looked exactly like Troy. He hit play and we danced. Once the song ended we hugged. "That was amazing!" I shouted. Sam nodded and we took our costumes off and sat down. We talked and worked on the next dance until 1:00 am. Sam drove me back to the O2L house. I drove my moped home and as soon as I laid down I feel asleep.

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