Chapter 8: Trevor

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Chapter 8: Trevor
My alarm went off at 8:30. I groaned and rolled over to hit snooze. I sat up in bed and almost had a heart attack. "Ahhhhhh!" I screamed. "Today's the big day little Trevy." Kian said. "Dude you just gave me a heart attack!" "Sorry Trevor I just want to help you out with this girl. What are you going to do first?" "Um I'm going to shower?" "Ok I'll wait here to help with wore drobe and stuff." "Ok..." I said as I awkwardly got out of bed. I walked down the hall and grabbed a towel and closed the door. After I was done I dried off and walked back to my room. "Alright Kian I'm here." "Good," he said putting down his phone. "What have you got?" I went over to my closet with full mirror doors and pulled it open. "Here's what I've got." I said "All my shirts are hanging up, in the dresser I have shorts in the top drawer, pants in the next, then underwear, swim trunks, and boxers, and in the very bottom I have socks. In this bin I have all my shoes and lastly I have all my colognes and hair products and deodorants and what not in this bin here. So what should I wear?" "Okay well it's a pool party so obviously wear swim trunks. So do you want to wear a T-shirt or a tank top?" "What's the weather supposed to be like?" "It's supposed to be really hot." "Ok defiantly tank top. Which one though?" I said and grabbed like 15 out of my closet. "Well what's her fave color?" "She was wearing a mint green suit when I first met her at the beach." "Ok well then I guess wear something mint green. Ok so you have 4 mint green tank tops. Which one did you wear when you first met her?" "The 'Slay' one." "Ok so not that one." He said and hung it back up. "How about this one?" I said as I picked up one that had a cat on it. "Ok that works." Kian said. "Now what kind of swim trunks do you have?" "These." I said opening the drawer and pulling out 3 pairs. One is bright blue with a white stripe down the side, the other is orange with yellow Hawaiian flowers, and the last pair are just plain black. "Ok... I think the Orange ones are out. They don't match the shirt." Kian stated and handed me them. I put them back. "So it's between the black and the blue with the white stripe?" "Yes. I'm going for the blue." Kian said. "Ok." I grabbed the black pair and put them back in the drawer. "Turn around." I told Kian. "Why?" He asked. "Um I have to get dressed." "Oh ok." He turned around. I dropped the towel I had around my waist. I slipped on my trunks and put on the tank top. "Ok you can turn around now." I told Kian. "Ok now for your hair. Just do the normal Trevor thing." "Ok." I answered. Kian sat on my bed and pulled out his phone. I got to work. First I got my hair dryer and dried my hair. Then I put in some hair styling gel and powder. Surprisingly that only took about 5 minutes. "Alright Kian my hair is done. What now?" "Well of course you need cologne and some flip flops." "Okay which cologne should I wear?" "What kinds do you you have?" "I have some expensive one that the name I can never pronounce and 3 different Axe flavors." "Ok what does the expensive one smell like?" I handed him the bottle to smell. "Ohhh I like that. Wear that one." "Okay now can I go eat breakfast?" "Yes I'll eat with you and then we'll go brush your teeth and then I'll leave you alone." "Ok let's go." We went down stairs and I was greeted by Wishbone. "Hey buddy!" I said greeting the wiggling panting dog. I headed to the kitchen. I found a note from Ricky on the counter. "What does it say?" Kian asked putting his bagel in the toaster. "It says 'Hey guys I went to go get some snacks and other stuff for the party. See you at 10 -Ricky'" "Oh ok. Do you want a bagel before I put them away?" "No I'm good. I'm going to have some Cocoa Puffs." I said as I grabbed a bowl. Kian put the bagels away and grabbed the cream cheese. "Can you hand me the milk?" I asked and Kian gave it to me. I poured the milk into my cereal. Kian and I ate in silence. When I was done I rinsed my dishes and put them in the dish washer. I went upstairs and Kian followed me. "Make sure you have fresh breath." He said. "Will do. You can get ready now." "Ok good luck today." And he left. I shrugged and brushed my teeth. I went back to my room. I made my bed and I decided to start my school work. It was around 9:30 when I started and 10:05 when I finished. I decided to go help Kian, Ricky, and JC set up. I put all the snacks out on the counter and got the drinks in the cooler. It was 11:15 and I was getting nervous. "Don't worry bro" JC reassured me "You got this". At 11:30 on the dot I opened the door. "Hi Savannah come on in."

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