Chapter 8

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|Author Pov|


If it was said, Jung kook didn't see the pain in her eyes then it would be wrong, he couldn't shake the overwhelming sensation of betrayal whenever he tried to extend his soft side to Emily. Every time he looked into her eyes, he searched desperately for any hint of remorse, any flicker of guilt for the unspeakable crime she had committed.

On one hand, there was the undeniable attraction he felt towards Emily, a pull that seemed to defy all reason and logic. But on the other hand, there was the haunting memory of his mother, Sofia, whose life had been brutally taken from Jung kook, and how can he fall in love with the murder of his mother, Sofia.

The mere thought of falling in love with the very person responsible for his mother's death filled him with a profound sense of disgust and self-loathing. It was a betrayal of everything he held dear, a betrayal of his own flesh and blood.

No he can't.

And as per the evidence of her being guilty there was no doubt that Emily was the one who did this heinous work since she wanted to revenge from Jung kook- this thought was painted in his head because his past action was not so saint towards Emily.

Jung kook's heart ached as he stood there, hidden in the shadows, watching Emily's silent tears cascade down her cheeks. In the stillness of the midnight hour, her sobs pierced through the silence, a raw and unfiltered expression of her pain and anguish.

For a moment, Jung kook's resolve wavered as he witnessed the depth of Emily's sorrow. The walls he had built around his heart began to crumble, replaced by a flood of empathy and compassion for the woman who stood before him, broken and vulnerable.

He watched her struggle to contain her anguish, a wave of guilt washed over Jung kook. How could he condemn her so easily, knowing the pain she carried within her? How could he turn his back on someone in need, even if that person was the sole responsible for his deepest loss?

He knew the way he behavior with her was not so great in fact it was straight torture. He couldn't deny that he had treated Emily unfairly. From the demanding workload at the office to the endless list of household chores, he had placed the weight of the world on her shoulders without a second thought.

He had turned a blind eye to her suffering, using her as a scapegoat for his own frustrations and desires. But wasn't this the reason why Jung kook decided to keep her close?

Jung kook remembered the words of Ethan, his friend. Ethan's words echoed in his mind like a mantra, cutting through the haze of confusion and doubt that clouded his thoughts.

"You're weak for her in your heart, why can't you see this, Jung kook?"

At the time, Jung kook had dismissed Ethan's words as nothing more than idle chatter, a meaningless jest to pass the time. But now, as he reflected on his own feelings and actions, he couldn't ignore the truth that lay hidden beneath the surface.

Despite his best efforts to convince himself otherwise, Jung kook knew deep down that he never felt a satisfaction seeing her in pain, seeing her cry. But it can be anything but LOVE.

No it can't be.

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