Chapter 21

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Outsider POV:

That guy stormed off to the storage room, his mind consumed with frustration and anger. He couldn't shake the image of Jeon Jungkook from his thoughts, the man who seemed determined to sabotage any chance of happiness between him and Y/n.

With a clenched jaw, that unknown man cursed under his breath, the weight of his resentment bearing down on him like a heavy burden. He had tried to ignore Jungkook's meddling, to push past the obstacles he had placed in their path, but it was becoming increasingly clear that the man was relentless in causing damage in his path.

In store room he kept the entirety of his dreadful things, he had so many fantasy about having sex with Y/n but, this obstacle named Jungkook was not getting away from his site, the bastard, bastard Jungkook Jeon.

He kept Varies kind of vibratos, Vesper Necklace, Nipple clamp, 8 inch Dildo, G-spot vibrator, pure wand or so many things. This guy even forgot the names but he had full plan how to use them on Y/n and her sweet cunt.

Everything was arranged on the desk as he stared at the photos spread out on the desk before him. Among them were pictures of Y/n, some innocent snapshots of her smiling face, while others were more intimate, images that had been crudely altered with Photoshop to depict her in compromising positions. He sat down on the chair and his eyes were on her pictures.

That man's body trembled with a mixture of arousal and shame as he succumbed to his darkest desires, his mind consumed by explicit fantasies of Y/n. With one hand gripping his throbbing member, he gave in to the overwhelming urge to release the tension that had built up inside him.

As he reached the peak of his pleasure, his breath coming in ragged gasps, he whispered promises of depravity and lust, his words laced with a primal hunger that bordered on obsession. In his mind's eye, he envisioned Y/n, her body a playground for his darkest fantasies, her every moan driving him closer to the edge of ecstasy.

He was tensed, super tensed as in which he can loosen up himself. He imagined his dick pumping in and out in her asshole as his one hand was continuously jerking his tiny dick and as the final waves of pleasure washed over him, "Baby tonight, I promise, I'll cum on your slutty little mouth, I'm coming to you, my little bitch."- With that he went out without even washing himself, his cum still clinging to his skin.


At the Lunch:

Everyone was eating silently, no one was said anything, But they were little bit happy finally Y/n was eating something, something healthy. But that thing was eating Lisa – 'Why Y/n didn't tell anything to Jungkook, when he has right to know for the first place.'

With a heavy heart, Lisa took a deep breath and began to eat her food, the silence between them stretching on like a chasm.

Rose sat silently, her keen eyes taking in the somber atmosphere that hung over the table. They were gave her warning to her that – 'Today she'll not do anything and they will manage.' Y/n also didn't say a word against them when Rose put their friendship in the thin line.

Jungkook's gaze lingered on Y/n, a sense of relief washing over him as he watched her finally begin to eat. Jungkook's attention was drawn to Rose, whose eyes met his across the room. Rose also flashed a smile to him in an assuring manner that 'Y/n is fine. He couldn't help but feel grateful for Rose's presence, her unwavering support providing a source of strength in their time of need.

Rose and lisa saw Jungkook as a nice person, a person who was hard working, good with manner as well as good with heart. If only they knew that the cause of Y/n's every pain was Jungkook.



Jungkook had already returned home, leaving Y/n to tend to some lingering tasks. These were responsibilities only she could manage, given her expertise and familiarity with the work.

Though her friends had been protective, shielding her from additional burdens, Y/n found comfort in the familiarity of her responsibilities. Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at her ability to handle the tasks at hand. Despite the challenges she faced, she knew that she was more than capable of overcoming them, one step at a time.

Jungkook was watching his favorite show, but his mind was restless, why Y/n didn't come till now. He wanted to call her but his ego did not let him do this,

His eyes darted between the wall clock and the door, each passing second feeling like an eternity as his impatience grew. Frustration bubbled up inside him, fueling the anger that simmered just beneath the surface.

Suddenly, a flash of intuition pierced through his thoughts, igniting a firestorm of rage within him. With clenched fists and gritted teeth, he vowed to take action, his voice dripping with venom as he uttered a harsh threat.

"If my intuition is right," he snarled, his words laced with menace, "I swear I will break your legs this time."- With a fierce determination, Jungkook leapt to his feet and stormed out of the room.


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