Chapter 13

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|Author Pov|


A magazine got violently slammed over the table, as he took the attention of everyone of the room, "for how fucking long I'll manage to keep his shit hidden. Each and everyday he had seen with new girls and the most shitty is he didn't even try to hide it as if he wanted to the know the world what he's doing?"- Michel, his face contorted with anger, His voice filled with frustration and desperation.

Sinking into the cushions of the sofa, Michel felt the weight of exhaustion settling over him like a heavy blanket. His eyes landed on another magazine with the same scandalous headline glaring back at him: "The billionaire's playboy seen with a stripper last night? What's the catch?"

"Is the next heir of Park family will be the reason for the downfall of the company?"- One of the headlines which was high lightened in bold at the front page.

In a fit of frustration and anger, Michel swept everything off the table , sending magazines and papers flying in all directions. His voice reverberated through the room, filled with a potent mix of desperation and rage.

"Where was he? It's almost midnight, and he's still not home," Michel bellowed, his words laced with accusation and frustration.

"What did you do all day?" he demanded, his voice rising with each word. "Can't you give attention to your son at least?"

Ruby's frown deepened as she listened to her husband's accusatory words.

"What do you mean by 'don't give attention'?" Ruby shot back, her voice tinged with hurt and frustration. "I always make sure to spend time with him, unlike you. And don't act like you're oblivious to the reason behind his new behavior." The air in the room crackled with tension as their exchange continued.

Michel's hands trembled with the effort to contain his anger as he struggled to regain his composure. Just as the tension in the room threatened to reach a breaking point, the door swung open, revealing Jessica, her expression a mix of irritation and exhaustion.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Jessica's voice cut through the heated atmosphere, her frustration evident in every word. "It's already one in the morning, and you're still going at it like it's a screaming match. Can't you keep it down? I have an exam tomorrow, and I'm trying to sleep. Please."

"Your brother still didn't come at home."- Her mother Ruby said hearing the complain of her daughter.

Jessica's narrowed gaze flickered between her parents, "So, is there something to worry about?" she questioned, her voice cool and composed, totally unbothered. "It's not like he comes home every day anyway."

The tension in the room palpably heightened as the door creaked open, entering Jimin.

"Here comes our precious son at home in the midnight."- "Here comes our precious son at home in the midnight," Michel's voice dripped with sarcasm, each word laced with a bitter edge. His gaze bore into Jimin with a mixture of frustration and disappointment,

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