Chapter 11

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"Once you have been tortured, you can never belong in this world. There is no place that ever be your home." -QuotesLyfe

Every morning comes up with new hope, but for some people hope is nothing but a mere word. There is quote - Nothing is permanent. Good days will always come after bad days. But May be this is just a quote because in her life she don't think there is any good day waiting for her.

Next Morning:

Jung kook POV:

Jung kook squints his eyes as soon as the sunlight crept in through the window. He let out a disappointed growl. One was his head is banging hard as if someone sat on his head and hammering it with iron rod. He couldn't adjusted his eyes to the light of the day, everything was spinning , "Aahhh! What the fuck."

Second - he gingerly attempted to sit up, the realization of his nakedness hit him like a wave. "What the hell happened?"- he muttered to himself. He put the pillow over it and roamed his eyes around the hall. He held his head tightly and squzed his eyes to clear his vision.

His throat was parched, it's begging for the relief. He got up from the sofa holding his head and went to the kitchen counter to drink. Jung kook stumbled towards the kitchen, each step felt like a walking on the egg shell. The dizziness didn't leaving his head. He reached the kitchen counter, his hand fumbling for a glass.

The faucet hissed as water filled the glass, and Jung kook took a long, refreshing gulp, feeling the cool liquid soothe his dry and scratchy throat. On the coming back to the hall room he picked up a crumpled shirt from the floor and wore it.

His gaze shifted back to the trail of discarded clothes leading at the living room. His eyes narrowed at the scene of the room, his phone, which lay on the ground and then the realization, hit him like a ton of bricks – he was with Caleb at the party then Ethan and Liam and there fights.

His mind still couldn't comprehend what had the fuck was happened?

He then met with Scott and one thing to another he again asked him for a 50 gm packet of drugs and then his eyes went wide as he looked at the ground, her clothes were also laid on the ground. Nothing was in its place, the room was mess.

As Jung kook slowly stood up, each discarded piece of clothing told a tale of a night that had spiraled out of control. Suddenly it clicked in his mind, Emily?

His eyes enlarged sensing what he had done yesterday night, he immediately took his steps towards that room and pushed the door and His eyes widened in shock and disbelief at the scene that unfolded before him.

Her messy hair was spreading on the floor, she was naked. Jung kook's heart sank as he observed she curled into a protective ball, trying to seek warmth on the cold floor. her lips are slightly parted, Lips were chapped.

A surge of guilt flooded through him as he reflected on the inhumanity of his actions. His heart ached badly to see her passing out on the cold floor naked curling into a ball.

His initial shock transformed into a deep ache of regret. He also couldn't believe he did this inhumanity to her but he was not in any sense last night as he and his fucked up mind is drowning in alcohol, and then drugs and the unbearable rage always managed to came out.

The substances that had clouded his judgment the night before now felt like a poison, leaving behind a trail of destruction.

Jung kook's hands trembled as he knelt beside her, an overwhelming desire to undo the wrongs of the night consuming him. He felt a deep sense of vulnerability at that moment.

As Jung kook knelt beside her and took Emily into his embrace, a sense of urgency gripped him. The coldness of her body cut through the haze of regret and panic surged within him.

"Emily, wake up..."- he pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation. Panicked thoughts flooded his mind, and he berated himself for the inhumanity of his actions.

"Come on, Emily, wake up,"- he pleaded again. his voice carrying a mix of worry and desperation. He patted her cheek lightly to gain any kind of movement but no veil.

"Emily, please,"- he whispered, a plea laden with both remorse and a fervent desire for her to open her eyes. The weight of responsibility pressed on him. The silence of the room was interrupted only by Jung kook's voice. With each passing moment, the sense of panic grew.

Jung kook gently lifted Emily into his arms, cradling her limp form as he hurried to his bedroom. The weight of her stillness pressed heavily on his heart.

Swiftly, he reached for warm, baggy clothes, wanting to shield her from the lingering chill in the air. He delicately changed her into the cozy attire, his hands moving with a mixture of urgency and gentleness. Once she was dressed, he covered her with a thick, warm blanket, tucking her in as if creating a protective cocoon and turned on the room heater.

"Please.. Open.. Open your eyes" his voice is also trembling but she didn't make any movement. His hands are shaking. He picked up his phone and dialed to his personal doctor who was trustworthy and also his family's personal doctor.

He rubbed her legs continuously trying to give every possible to keep her warm but her body still felt like ice cube.

As Jung kook held Emily's cold form close to him, a desperate attempt to share his warmth, his tension intensified with every passing second. His arms tightened around her, His other hand rubbed her back, but nothing was happening.

Jung kook's heart pounded in his chest, and his own body tensed with anxiety as he continued to murmur her name in the hopes of eliciting a response. "Emily, please," he pleaded.


To be continued.

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