Chapter 17

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"Every girl needs a best friend to help her laugh when she thinks she'll never smile again."

Y/n stood at the front gate of the amusement park, her excitement tinged with impatience as she kept glancing at her wristwatch. Lisa, her perpetually tardy friend, was nowhere to be seen. Frustration bubbling, she fished her phone out of her purse and dialed Lisa's number, only to have her phone slip from her grasp and clatter onto the pavement with a loud 'Boww!!'.

Her heart skipped a beat as she watched her precious phone tumble, but relief washed over her when she saw it was unharmed.

Her amusement was short-lived as Lisa finally arrived, her mischievous grin widening at Y/n's momentarily panicked expression. " cute Y/n is angry,"- Lisa teased, displaying her wristwatch with mock innocence. "See, I'm just a little late."

Rolling her eyes, Y/n couldn't suppress a smile despite her irritation. "Be a grown woman, Lisa,"- she scolded half-heartedly.

Lisa, always quick with a retort, quipped, "I'm already grown; we're the same height," - earning an eye-roll and a playful shove from Y/n. She knew Lisa's teasing was all in good fun, a playful dance they shared.

Their banter was interrupted by the arrival of Rose, their friend, and the trio embraced eagerly. "Yaa!! Now it's time for fun," they exclaimed in unison, the anticipation of a day filled with laughter and adventure washing away any lingering annoyance.

Despite the excitement pulsing through the group, Y/n couldn't shake the bittersweet tinge that colored her feelings about amusement parks. While her friends bubbled with enthusiasm, she couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia mixed with sorrow.

This place held a special place in Y/n's heart. For her, they were a poignant reminder of her childhood, particularly of her mother. She remembered vividly how her mother would chase her through the colorful chaos of the park, her tiny feet carrying her with boundless energy, while her mother's laughter echoed behind her, calling out her name.

These memories were etched into Y/n's mind, when everything seemed simpler, happier, and filled with boundless love. But now, the thought of amusement parks stirred up a mix of longing and sadness within her, a reminder of the irreplaceable moments she shared with her mother, it's now gone.

As her friends chattered excitedly about the rides they wanted to try and the games they wanted to play, Y/n smiled softly, her heart heavy with memories.

Y/n couldn't help but notice the unusual behavior of her friend Lisa. Normally confident and outgoing, Lisa seemed unusually nervous today. She fidgeted with her phone continuously, biting her nails with a sense of unease that Y/n couldn't ignore. Y/n made her way over to Lisa to inquire but....

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