Chapter 16

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| Jimin |


Jimin sat slumped on the bench, His chest rose and fell in sync with the rhythm of his panting, the strain evident in every heave. Sweat cascaded down his forehead, tracing a path over his flushed skin before disappearing into the saturated fabric of his T-shirt. His T-shirt clung to him like a second skin, the fabric saturated with moisture from the intense workout.

Jimin's attention was drawn to a couple who were talking and flirting with each other. Their laughter and cheesy talking filled the air, a sharp contrast to the solitude that enveloped him. Watching them, Jimin felt an unexpected pang of jealousy tug at his heartstrings. He didn't know them, but their happiness stirred something within him, a longing for the warmth of companionship he once knew.

Memories flooded Jimin's mind, unbidden and unwelcome. He remembered the days when he also had someone to share his laughter with, someone whose presence filled the empty spaces in his life. But now, as he sat alone, the ache of loneliness gnawed at him, intensified by the sight of the couple's shared joy.

He turned his head away from the group, feeling their laughter pierce his ears like needles. Despite the distraction, he gritted his teeth and pressed on with his intense workout, determined to drown out the noise. Each movement was a testament to his focus and determination.

But just as he found his rhythm, a figure suddenly appeared before him, causing him to pause mid-exercise.

His eyes narrowed at her, "Isn't the same one who was giggling and flirting with another guy?"- His mind recalled.

"Hey !! Do you mind if you teach me how to use this machine...."- She approached him with a coy smile, her eyes laden with suggestive intent. The tight crop top she wore that only focused on her breast, it almost popped out of her clothe, accentuating her curves in all the right places. Every movement seemed calculated to draw his gaze.

As she spoke, her voice held a hint of playfulness, but her eyes betrayed her true intentions. They flickered with a seductive glimmer, inviting him to engage with her. Her hair, tied up in a ponytail, framed her face in a way that emphasized her features, drawing attention to her tantalizing allure.

There was no mistaking her motives, No one need a personality degree for her actions to be understood. Her body language spoke volumes, conveying her desire to capture his attention and hold it captive. In that moment, it was clear that she wanted nothing more than to have him focus solely on her.

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