Chapter 15

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Enjoy the journey

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Enjoy the journey



"Aish!! Ok OK but I want you with us tomorrow," Lisa almost threatened, her voice coated in honeyed sweetness. Y/n's heart raced in her chest, each beat echoing in her ears as she stood before the door of Jungkook's bedroom. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Y/n raised her hand and knocked on the door, the sound echoing in the silence of the hallway.

The air inside is heavy with smoke, wisps curling lazily in the dim light filtering through the curtains. The scent assaults her nostrils, a mixture of burnt wood and something acrid that stings the back of her throat.

Jungkook seated in a worn armchair, His silhouette is shrouded in the haze, the smoke swirling around him like an ethereal cloak. She can sense his presence, a weighty aura that seems to permeate the very air.

Instinctively, she bended my head slightly, not daring to meet his gaze directly. She can feel the weight of his scrutiny even without looking directly at him, a palpable tension that hangs in the air between you.

She stands in silence, her eyes fixed on the ground, too frightened to meet his eyes.

Jungkook's intense stare remains fixed on her trembling lips, never wavering, as she nervously bites down on them, a sign of her anxiety. His right hand casually holds a cigarette, the glowing tip emitting tendrils of white smoke that coil upwards, filling the room with a hazy atmosphere. Despite her attempts to avoid his scrutiny, she can feel his presence weighing heavily upon her,

His eyes remained fixed on her, studying every movement she made with unwavering attention. He observed the way her fingers clenched tightly around the hem of her dress, betraying her nervousness and uncertainty. His gaze lingered on her lips, noticing how she anxiously bit down on them, causing the delicate, plump flesh to bear the marks of her teeth.

However, he knew those lips too well; it's his works to bit them, not hers. Each bite was a reminder of his influence over her, a subtle yet undeniable manifestation of his power.

He knew she was going to ask for something because he also knew very well how she maintained distance between them unless there is something necessary. He could sense her hesitation.

With a tremble in her voice, she mustered the courage to make her request. "Can I go tomorrow outside with my friends, Master?" Her throat felt dry as she swallowed hard, nerves twisting in her stomach. She awaited his response, but he remained silent, his gaze fixed firmly on her face.

As she watched, a knot formed in her stomach as he rose from his chair, his movements purposeful and determined. With each step he took towards her, she felt her heart quicken, her body tensing with anticipation. She dared not move, frozen in place by the intensity of his presence.

Every stride he took seemed to draw him closer to her, closing the distance between them until he stood mere inches away.

Her eyes remained fixed on the floor as Jungkook drew closer, his presence enveloping her. With a gentle touch, he lifted her chin, compelling her to meet his gaze. "Who?" His voice was calm yet commanding.

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