Chapter 10

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|Emily POV |


Finally I'm done;

Exhaustion settled over you as you finally completed the project, pouring in hours of hard work and dedication. Confidence surged within you, believing that this project could secure the deal you had been striving for.

Being sitting for straight more than ten hours my back is aching now; my eyes are also struggling to open as I didn't sleep properly for the past few days. I am wondering did he actually care about his deal because all he did is Order I'm hundred percent sure he knows nothing about this deal but being a head of the company at least he should have knowledge a little after all His company needs it I'm not or leave it or I don't want to think about it.

Reaching the kitchen counter to quench your parched throat, the familiar click of the front door drew your attention, signaling Jung kook's return home. However, the routine moment took a sudden and unsettling turn as your eyes met his intoxicated red gaze. In that split second, your heart seemed to freeze, and a chill of fear gripped you to your core.

A wave of discomfort washed over her as she observed Jung kook's red, intensely intoxicated eyes. His gaze, laden with a predatory intensity, seemed to devour her whole, sending shivers down her spine. It was as if he was looking at her not as a person, but as an object.

Frozen in place, her feet seemingly glued to the floor, she felt a surge of vulnerability. The weight of his raged and intoxicated eyes bore down on her, creating an atmosphere thick with tension. The room became an unwelcome arena, and she grappled with a growing sense of unease and fear in the face of Jung kook's unsettling gaze.

Rayn slammed the door shut, the echo resonating through the room, but his intense gaze remained fixed on the figure before him. Jung kook, seated confidently in the middle of the sofa, exuded an air of authority. His posture, with one leg casually crossed over the other and both hands resting on the handle, portrayed a sense of regal control, looking like The King, the king who knows nothing but dismantling.

Jung kook's gaze bore into her with an intensity fueled by a mix of disrespect and lingering taunts from one of his favored brothers. The echoes of those words played like a relentless drumbeat in his mind, stirring up a storm of emotions that left his thoughts in turmoil. His normally sharp mind felt numb, clouded by a haze of anger and frustration.

As Jung kook's dark and dominating aura enveloped the room, a palpable tension hung in the air. His intense gaze locked onto yours, and the direct eye contact sent a shiver down your spine, leaving your entire body paralyzed in its wake.

"Strip"-Jung kook's commanding voice cut through the charged atmosphere, leaving a heavy silence in its wake. Your mind raced as you grappled with the sudden demand. The air in the room felt stifling, and the tension escalated as you faced Jung kook's unwavering gaze.

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