(2)Mandatory Exposition Arc

392 23 1

[1.2: Where I can start bullshitting canon]


<There's a very thin line between insanity and clarity.>

This, is a fact Eitou is very familiar with.

As soon as his alarm ring, Eitou's hands shot out from beneath his blanket to turn it off. The almost red curtain has been drawn tightly against each other, preventing even the slightest of light to slip in.

Eitou had never been a morning student, but it's at least much better for him now since Japan's schools starts much later than his last life's. And since the sun goes down early and rise early, his sleep schedule perfectly encapsulates a healthy sleep schedule to prevent sleepiness.

He yawned, climbing out of bad with little enthusiasm, going immediately to his bathroom.

He ponders about the book that he hid, taking a peek at the hiding spot. Noticing his little detection mechanism is still intact, he nodded satisfactorily and continued washing up.

— He wasn't sure if Reborn had already noticed him. And while he'd like to think an ordinary and boring old gardener like him won't attract the hitman's attention, it's undeniable that he is somewhat iconic in Namimori Middle School.

He isn't exactly clear on the reason, but around the time he took over the Gardening Club, people started treating him strangely; it's almost as if they're treating him like... A main character?

"..." Eitou shivered, rubbing his arms and quickly dressed himself up.

It's not that obvious at first but the longer he ignores it, the louder the whispers get. For some reason, the freshmen are all scared shitless by him and his peers look at him with complicated eyes.

Althought usually complicated eyes is used in romantic novels — ugh, he shook that thought away— it's also undeniable they seem to have some sort of misconception of himself.

For example, the daily leeks that come up to the rooftop as a log-in bonus. When he first took up the task of becoming the Disciplinary Committee's little living CCTV on the rooftop (he had no other choice, the then feral skylark was in the early days of gathering power and he'd always be chased from one end of Namimori and back by the little monster) in order to appease a teritorial cub— he proposed an agreement to the delinquents.

He promised them that if they ran out of his sight before he finished the first verse of their school's anthem, he'd let them go.

For a moment, he thought he had to beat these guys up first but surprisingly they agreed immediately.

Thinking back, there's probably some nasty rumour about him circulating around the school. This isn't so fair, he's just a small captain in charge of a dying club that's just minding his own business.

Eitou sighed, patting his clothes and going down to prepare breakfast. He usually makes his own breakfast, by taking leftovers from last night and heating it up, or whipping up something quick and easy. Of course, at hectic days, he'd just buy stuff from the nearby shops on his way to school.

... Speaking of going to school.

Eitou remembered that he seems to be a few streets down from Tsunayoshi's house. And by a few streets, it's a few streets that can immediately be closed by walking for 10 minutes.

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