Pole Knocking Season

257 17 3

[7: it's actually pole knocking season this time]




Eitou dejectedly stayed put in his bed, already sensing the rough day ahead of him.

The dejected little gardener lifted his head up to inspect the pink calendar hanging on the wall. Bright red— the only red in the sea of pink — a hastily written circle vigorously pointing out the energetically written 'Sport Day!'


His head slumped back down.

After a few minutes, he kicked his baby pink blanket down and resigned to his fate of being under the sweltering sun while surrounded by sweaty teenagers.

After a few minutes of wrestling with his clothes, Yukimura Eitou, middle schooler high jump representative of the A Team, finally wriggled his way outside his house.

Through the whole journey of walking to school, a little gardener felt like his back foot weights a thousand tons dragging on concrete.

"—ukimura! Fight me to the extreme!"

Ah fuck.

He resisted the urge to run back home and a strained smile stretched on his lips, "Sasagawa-san."

"Fancy meeting you this morning, aren't you going to ready yourself for sport yet?"

The boxer enthuasist howled enthusiastically— god, the sun is barely out.

"The morning is the best time to train!"

—Then, as if realizing something, Ryohei's face brightened and turned around, running full speed while waving Eitou a good he, "—Train to the extreme! Fight me later, Yukimura!!"

Eitou waved back.

A tired sigh escapes him.

"Yukimura-san! You're here! Come, help me with—"


He was correct.

It's hot, sunny, sweaty, and stinks of hormonal teenagers.

"Ah, you're from Team A right!?"

Eitou choked as a hand dragged him from his collars. He struggles against the constraint and stares confusedly at the deceptively petite girl dragging him to the meeting room.

"—es! Damn, let me go!" The third year helplesy struggled against the death gril before slumping in defeat. At least it hurts less if he doesn't resist.

His heavy feet was eventually dragged into a room full with indignant students. Seeing him, they immediately shouted, "Yukimura-san! Explain what your team is doing!"

It took a gardener a while before he remembered the plot of today.

Right, Reborn did something and made everyone think Tsuna played dirty.

"..." Eitou immitated the movement of zipping his mouth, locking it, and throwing the key away.

The crowd of students were immediately irked and barely restraint from choking the sly little gardener out of his mind, one student recollected his calm and finally broke the silence, "Yukimura-san, we're serious. The scope of what Team A did on this day is very unsportsmanlike. I suggest you to not hold back any informations."

Eitou shrugged his shoulders and mimed closing a box and stood up. He mimed sighing in dissapointment— then made a run for it.


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