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[4: I got tired of writing exposition]


Sufficed to say, Namimori Hospital received two similarly beaten students after school ended yesterday.

Except one of the students have a satisfied grin and a few scratches on his face, while the other has closed his eyes peacefully and laid in a stretcher.

The morning after, a mummy appeared on school's ground.

"... Yukimura, are you okay?"

Class 3-A fell into a rare hushed atmosphere. At the center of the attention is the foretold mummy, bandaged from head to toe in pristine white bandages. The only thing that can be used to identify the living corpse is the Nami-chuu's uniform, and the stark red armband pinned on it's left sleeve.

To be more precise, the armband has been wound around the left arm tightly, causing the arm paling from lack of blood. Only a single pin carelessly running through it as an afterthought.

Under the layers of bandage, the corpse stiffly moved his right arm and mumbled through the fabric, " 'm fine."

A pause, " J'st a scratch."

"...?" The whole class collectively looked at the stiffening left arm, feeling their meaning of a scratch fundamentally changing.

While the class experiences a world view renewal, a sudden explosion pierced through everyone's ears—



The whole building shook and swayed as bombs after bombs exploded in the yard.  Eitou stiffly raised his head towards the source of the sound before remembering he was practically blind from the bandages and stayed put.



A wide crack appeared and spread through a wide stretch of ground, appearing to the students in the building as a long continuous Zig-Zag pattern.

Tremors continued, shaking the building as if they're a wobbly stick. Students instinctively crouched to the ground to keep balance — except the one guy that physically cannot.

Eitou peacefully shut his eyes closed and accepted his fate.

Debris started falling from the ceilings and a few tall furnitures started crashing and falling in the distance.

Finally remembering that they had an injured classmate, a student crawled to his side and offered up his back for Eitou to move himself on.

"Yukimura-sama— uh, Yukimura-san! Get on my back!" He proudly pointed to his thin back.

Eitou felt a bit moved (and ignored the earlier address) before realising a problem.

He looked at his own bandaged form and the destination, "..." Forget getting on someone's back, can he even move?

Eitou peacefully shut his eyes closed and accepted his fate, for the second time.

The little classmate sensed something amiss and looked at the unresponsive student with urgent eyes, maybe a bit too urgent, and shouted with heartfelt words, "Yukimura-san! I'll help you on my back as soon as possible!"

"—soon as possible!"

"—as possible!"


The Mastermind is a Middle School Student (KHR FF)Where stories live. Discover now