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[10: about birthdays]


Yukimura has no special feelings for birthdays.

Don't get him wrong—they're cool little things that people celebrate to show appreciation and love for the person involved. Yukimura enjoys the act of giving gifts, and tries his best to be mindful of people's birthdays. Yukimura knows the importance of birthdays to some people, and is even the first one to prepare for it. It's a cute little ritual— and Yukimura likes rituals.

But when it comes to his own birthday, he doesn't really care to celebrate it.

Unlike others, he puts no special ideas or importance on it.

And no, he's not trying to coax himself or delude himself.

Maybe once he looked forward to parties, or even wished on all the shooting stars to have his existence celebrated.

(—and god wasn't that ironic—)

But now, even if someone wants to celebrate it, he would simply lift his eyebrows in surprise and go along.

He's no longer the small boy on his knees, crying and sobbing for even a sliver of attention— He's Yukimura Eitou. A whole lifetime older. He now simply doesn't mind birthdays at all.

Perhaps he's too exhausted to mind it.

Conclusion is, Yukimura doesn't really care about his own birthday.

But Eitou cares about other people's!

Like for example, the birthday of a certain protagonist.


In all honesty, Eitou doesn't know how this guy isn't tired of shouting his name again and again, perhaps through perseverance?

Tsuna startles at Eitou's appearance, round brown eyes blinking owlishly at the unexpected presence. The protagonist seems to be going through a monologue in his head, before speaking tentatively; "I... Are you here for Reborn's birthday too?"


A certain Yukimura slowly draw a question mark in his head.

"Ah ... Um, let's go up..?"

Tsuna meekly suggests.

"..." Eitou blinked, "Sure?"


"Hieee— Gokudera-kun!?"

When Tsuna opens the door to his bedroom, a crowd is immediately spotted. Eitou vaguely recognises the main casts, with the added bonus of Haru— and also the boxes of sushi on the table.

Tsuna run towards a corner of his room, a familiar silver haired teen is curled up against the wall in pain. Hearing Tsuna, Gokudera weakly raises his head, "I did remember ... Your birthday, Juudaime..."

Tsuna opens his eyes in surprise.

"But.." Gokudera pales, "This... Is the end of me..."

The silver haired slumps to the ground, his skin as pale as his silver hair. Tuna shrieks, "Is this how you're gonna end today!??"

While the duo entertains themselves, Eitou nods towards Reborn, and then to the others. Reborn tilts his head up, "Oh. You're also here, Yukimura."

The rest also looks up, finally noticing the new addition leaning on the outside of the door. Eitou waved at them, and get waves back.

"Ah! Yukimura!" Yamamoto exclaims, smiling brightly at the senior he's indebted to. Eitou wasn't sure if Yamamoto still remembered that he saved the other, but he won't complain. (Except for the lack of honorifics, seriously, who gave him the audacity?)

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