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Right after school, Taehyun runs off to the bakery to see Beomgyu since he left school early according to Soobin. He reaches the bakery only to be greeted by his manager, Seonghwa.

"Oh, you're early." Seonghwa says.

"Is Beomgyu here?" Taehyun asks, still panting after all that running.

Seonghwa shook his head. "He quit."


Taehyun dashes off from the bakery to Beomgyu's apartment complex. Once he reaches the apartment, he meets up with Soobin that was just about to unlock the door.

"Taehyun? I thought you're at the bakery?"

"Is Beomgyu back?" Taehyun asks impatiently.

"He's not at the bakery?"

Taehyun shook his head.

"Shit." Soobin takes out his phone and dials Beomgyu's number but to no avail. "Went straight to voice mail."

"Shit!" Taehyun runs off, leaving Soobin behind clueless.

Taehyun didn't know where the latter would be, they might have known each other for a while but not too long to know everything about each other. Taehyun rides the bus to every place that they've been to together, in hopes to find Beomgyu. Soobin and Yeonjun sometimes call Taehyun up asking for updates as they were both also searching for him but Taehyun would reply 'no'. Kai had also been ringing up his phone and Jungkook has been calling him too. But, Taehyun rejected them all and called Beomgyu only. As many times he did, the latter didn't pick up. The sky's about to turn dark and Taehyun was still searching for him. From the bakery, to the mall, to the park, arcade and to the amusement park, but with no luck. Soon after, even his phone died.

Taehyun finds himself at another road he's unfamiliar with, but he's still searching for the latter. He then stops by an alley and slumps down to take a breather.

'Where are you?'

"Shit. This is my fault, playing with his feelings." Taehyun says.

"Whose fault?"

Taehyun looks up to see a man, looking around Jungkook's age just staring down at him with a vape in between his fingers.

"Did I ask for your opinion?" Taehyun asks.

The young man crouches beside the younger, Taehyun remaining unfazed. The young man blows the smoke into the younger's face causing him to flinch slightly at the vanilla scent. He then tilts Taehyun's chin upwards, moving it slowly left and right as in to examine his features.


Taehyun smacks the man's hand from him, not the least intimidated. "Fuck off." Taehyun swears.

"Feisty too." The man grabs Taehyun by the wrist harshly.

"What the-" Taehyun tries to release himself from the man's grip, but to the grip was too strong. Taehyun immediately kicks the man into his crotch, as the man winces in pain, Taehyun immediately takes off but then the man pulls him down by the leg causing the younger to trip over. The man puts a piece of cloth between Taehyun's teeth and ties it at the back of his head.


"No prey's going to escape from me." The man says and continues to drag the younger by the leg.

'Oh shit!' Even in this situation, screaming wouldn't help.



Taehyun desperately wanted to turn around because he recognized that voice so well.

Beomgyu throws a fist over to the man's face that causes him to drop onto the ground, Beomgyu kicks the man a few times before stomping onto him, face slightly bleeding out before the man drops unconscious. Beomgyu rushes over to Taehyun and untied the clothe around his head.

"Beomgyu-" Taehyun calls out, eyes wide.

"Taehyun, what-"

"ARE YOU IN A MAFIA OR SOMETHING?!" Taehyun raises his voice when he sees the unconscious man on the ground, slightly bleeding. "HOLY SHIT, YOU BEATED HIM TO A PULP!"

Before Taehyun could start rambling again, Beomgyu hugs the younger tightly. Shocked by this, Taehyun hugs him back and caresses his back. In that moment, Beomgyu felt nothing but worry and a tint of happiness, just feeling how Taehyun's tiny frame fit into his made his heart race. Who knows what would've happened if Beomgyu didn't walk pass that dark alley? (But, thanks to Taehyun's red hair too of course)

"No, I'm not. More importantly, what the hell are you doing here?" Beomgyu asks.

Taehyun immediately pulls away and glares at the older before proceeding to slap his shoulders, his face and finger flick his forehead. "I WAS SEARCHING FOR YOU, YOU DUMBFUCK!" Taehyun shouted.

"You didn't have to do all that!" Beomgyu says referring to all the slapping and the finger flicking.

They both chuckle. Beomgyu helps the younger stand up and they walk out from the dark alley. The two of them walk to the nearest bus stop in silence, waiting for the last bus to come and when it does, it's only them on the bus, and they set their journey back.

They both sit at the furthest back of the bus, side by side. Taehyun was looking out the window, but with a worried face. Beomgyu notices and then leans his head onto the younger's shoulder. Taehyun glances at the older.

"Wae?" Taehyun asks.

"Thank you."

Taehyun scoffs. "As you should. I'm never searching for you ever again."

Beomgyu giggles. "I would."


"I'd search for you, no matter where you are." Beomgyu says.

Little did Beomgyu know, he's about to be on close ends.

Through The Eyes - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now