Where It Starts

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Harry was peacefully laying in his dorm without a worry, thinking about how normal this year felt besides the Sirus part - until "Have you guys seen this?" Seamus barged into the dorm and sat next to Ron.

It was a book titled 'Same-sex Relationships in the wizarding world', Harry and Dean snatched it from his hands and opened the book, "What the hell is same-sex?" Harry opened the book and skipped the first few pages, landing on a ghastly chapter.

"Dumbledore!?" Dean's face transformed into an expression of pure disgust.

"Can anyone tell me what the bloody hell are we reading?" Harry spoke with annoyance. What even are same-sex relationships, why was Dean so shocked and why was Seamus so amused?

"People who dated the same gender, you know uh, like if you and Ron dated." Seamus pointed at Ron.

"Eww, no way." Harry twisted in his seat.

All of them were sitting on their dorm floor, board games laid out and a few books that Hermione left with them thinking they'd study which they obviously did not. "Okay, so it means a man and man dating?" Ron spoke.

"Yeah, and the same goes for women."

That was all they spoke of the entire night- anything related to that bloody book. Harry was honestly very weirded out by all of it and didn't sleep a bit the night, instead, he slept the whole potions and transfiguration class.

It wasn't just one day or two days, this whole idea and concept ran through his mind the entire summer.

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"Draco dear, could you grab this book from the library?" Narcissa yelled from the small drawing room at Grimmauld Place

"Sure." he replied as he took the small note of the title, heading down to the library. He opened the door and stepped inside, the small dim lights worsening his ability to even tell the titles of the books. He grabbed the one he required and was about to leave but soon he saw a small book in the corner of the shelf, 'Map of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry' Amused by the name, he also took this one for...fun ready.

Draco handed the book his mum requested and went to his late uncle Regulus's room. Worn out with the continuous moving around, he laid down and opened the book he'd just found. "Lets see" he whispered.

For the next one hour, he spent reading the book. One page however, had a small bookmark in it. 'Pass: Padfoot' the note read, he took it in hand and looked at the page it was marked with.

Draco was now curious, what could this mean? He went out and searched most of the rooms, tired and desperate for the answer to this mystery, "Think Draco." he whispered. Oh!

He went back to the room he was in, grabbing the book and saying "Padfoot."

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11 am at the Burrow and someone kept knocking at his door. Merlin, nobody could get any proper sleep here. Harry got up and headed towards the door, opening it with force. "What?"

It was the twins and Ron, they didn't even answer his question and just entered the room. "Have you heard?"

"Heard of what?"

"Dean Thomas came out as Bi! On top of that, the guy has a boyfriend!" Fred sat on the bed with a huge thump.

Dean? Bisexual? Who knew, he always found the topic irritating to discuss, maybe because of that.

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