Slytherin Party

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It was 1 pm in the Slytherin common room when Malfoy decided to head downstairs to the caves, full with hopes that it was empty because his day had already been ruined from being turned into a ferret, and seeing stupid potters face would make it even worse.

He left the dungeons and headed towards the cave when he spotted Potter heading towards the kitchens; there goes his chances of a good time. The question is, should he still go, or did he have to make a U-turn?

Yeah, no, he won't let him take over the place all for himself, there's a chance he might feel better after bullying him.

"Oi Potter, slow down; let's go together." Malfoy's steps sped up as he caught up to Potter, who was exceptionally fast for someone his height.

"I fully expected you not to follow the truce but sure, come alone, dear mate." Potter grinned.

"Eww, stop, we're not all chummy mates now that we've called it quits on the bickering; I'm still going to bully you when I want to."

"Yeah yeah, sure."

Potter whispered the password and entered, Malfoy following from behind, "You know we should make a cool entrance; this whole wooden staircase is very...rusty."

"What do you want, gold? White bricks? You do it. I'm shit at the transfiguration."

"Yeah, you can't sleep the whole class and expect to become an expert" At that, Potter rolled his eyes.

They both climbed down the stairs, Potter settling on the couch, but Malfoy still stood. " What! I sleep better during school."

Malfoy transfigured the old couch into a thick mat, the worn fabric morphing seamlessly under his skilled wand work. Potter left after their brief bickering session, leaving Malfoy alone in the underground chamber. He looked his surroundings, his grey eyes taking in the dimly lit space with a sense of satisfaction.

He summoned a few rocks to float towards him, each one obediently responding to his command. With practiced precision, he began transfiguring them, shaping them into two single beds. With a flick of his wand, he adorned each bed with Gryffindor and Slytherin themed bed sheets and pillows.

Satisfied with his handiwork, Malfoy added a few floating candles to illuminate the space, their warm glow casting dancing shadows against the cave walls. In the center of the chamber, he conjured a small fire pit, the crackling flames providing both warmth and ambiance.

As he settled into one of the newly created beds, Malfoy couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over him. This place felt like a refuge from the chaos of the outside world, a place where he could truly be himself without the weight of expectations or judgments.

He closed his eyes, the flickering firelight casting a gentle glow across his features. For the first time in a long while, Malfoy allowed himself to relax, the rhythmic crackle of the flames lulling him into sleep.

This felt nice. He could stay here all day, basking in the quiet solitude of his- their hidden haven.

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Everyone is disgusting, and nobody cares for him. He could be dead right now, and all Ron would care about is Harry 'wanting eternal glory and all the attention'. Being his best mate, Harry had high expectations for him and hoped he would understand. Of course, he didn't, though; all he did was get mad at Harry for something he didn't even do or want.

He was bawling his eyes out, his tears soaking the blanket that covered his frail body in the hidden cave. He felt unwelcome in his dorm; it was just Neville who even bothered to ask him about how he felt. The weight of loneliness pressed down on him, suffocating him with its relentless grip.

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