Farewell for Now

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The Gryffindor common room was silent but the fear and distress echoed loudly. Seamus came up to Harry and gave him a hug, along with Dean.

This was it, things are going to change now. Not for the better but worse.

The night before the train back to his 'home', Harry decided to go down to the caves, hoping to see Draco.

As the moon cast its gentle glow over the Hogwarts grounds, He made his way through the darkened corridors of the castle, his footsteps echoing softly against the stone walls. His heart pounded in his chest as he approached the secret entrance to the caves.

He paused for a moment, his hand hovering over the portrait entrance, before speaking the password and slipping inside. The air was cool and damp, the only sound the soft trickle of water echoing in the darkness.

And there, Draco lay on his bed staring at the cave ceiling, his silhouette outlined against the faint lights from the candles. He turned as Harry entered, his expression unreadable as their eyes met in the dim light.

"Harry," Draco murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he got up and stepped forward to meet him.

Harry's heart skipped a beat at the sight of Draco, his breath catching in his throat as he closed the distance between them. "Hey," he replied, his voice husky with emotion.

They stood there for a moment, the tension between them palpable in the air as they gazed into each other's eyes, lost in the depths of their shared desire.

But then, Draco spoke, his voice breaking the silence that hung between them. "Next year is going to be difficult," he said softly, his tone tinged with uncertainty.

Harry nodded in agreement, his heart heavy with the weight of their impending challenges. "With Voldemort back, and everything that's happening..." he trailed off, unable to voice the fear that gnawed at his insides.

Draco reached out, taking Harry's hand in his own, his touch gentle and reassuring. "We'll face it together," he vowed, his voice filled with unwavering determination.

Harry felt a surge of warmth flood through him at Draco's words, a sense of strength and courage welling up inside him. "Together," he echoed, his voice tinged with gratitude.

And then, before either of them could say another word, Draco closed the distance between them, his lips capturing Harry's in a kiss that ignited something between them.

Their kiss was slow and tender at first, a gentle exploration of lips and tongues as they savored the taste of each other. But then, as the heat between them intensified, their kiss deepened, becoming more urgent, more desperate, as they lost themselves in each other's embrace.

Harry's head spun with desire as Draco's hands roamed over his body, tracing the contours of his muscles with a touch that sent shivers down his spine. He moaned softly into Draco's mouth, his fingers tangling in his hair as they surrendered to the heat of their passion.

With a final, lingering kiss, they pulled back, their chests heaving as they struggled to catch their breath.

"We should go," Draco whispered, his voice thick with emotion as he reluctantly stepped away from Harry's embrace.

Harry nodded in agreement, his heart still racing with the intensity of their kiss. "Yeah," he replied, his voice husky with desire. "Let's go."

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