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Pansy had an Idea, it might be stupid, but it was an Idea

She was so done watching her best friend pinning over Harry Potter for the last 3 months that she decided to use her great potion making skill to her advantage. The constant planning was getting them nowhere, somehow she needed Cedric Diggory out of the picture and what better way to do that then secretly make Harry drink a love potion, making him fall head over heals for Draco and break up with his boyfriend?

Grinning over the cauldron, she carefully mixed and added all the ingredients. Brewing it to the epitome of perfection. It took her some time, but she mixed it in to some melted chocolates.

Pansy waited for sometime until the chocolates froze in the heart molds she had kept them in, placing the now hard chocolates into a heart box along with a picture of Draco. So romantic.

She wrote a small note, 'From Cedric: Enjoy"

Now getting these into the Gryffindor common rooms would be hard. But shes Pansy, obviously she had a plan. She was planing on sneaking it in with a broomstick, around a time when they had classes so nobody noticed.

Leaving on her bed, Pansy left for her literature club meeting. She'd do the rest tomorrow.

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"So you and your friends never take pictures together? Not even when it's special moment?"

Draco scoffed, "Of course not, pictures are only for important things not for a simple moment with friends."

Harry's eyebrows rose. He got up and as Harry started rummaging through his bag, he pulled out a small, sleek Muggle device. It was rectangular with a shiny surface, and he grinned as he held it up.

"Draco, I've got an idea," Harry said, excitement evident in his voice. "Why don't we take a picture together? Just for fun, you know, to capture this moment."

Draco raised an eyebrow, looking somewhat bemused. "A picture? What's the point?"

Harry shrugged. "It's just a memento. Something to look back on and remember this time."

Draco considered for a moment before nodding. "Fine, if it'll make you happy, Potter."

They positioned themselves, Draco still looking slightly skeptical, as Harry held up the device and tapped on it. A flash of light erupted, and Harry lowered the device, grinning at the result.

"There, that's perfect," Harry said, showing Draco the picture on the device's screen. It captured them both, Harry's grin wide and Draco's expression somewhere between amusement and annoyance.

"Keep it, Potter. I have no use for such trivial things," Draco said dismissively, but Harry could detect a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

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Later that evening, Draco found himself in the Slytherin common room, clutching the picture in his hand. Pansy was nowhere to be seen, but he noticed a box of chocolates lying temptingly on her bed. Without much thought, he helped himself to a few, ignoring the note and popping them into his mouth as he absentmindedly examined the picture once more.

As the taste of chocolate filled his mouth, Draco's gaze lingered on the image of him and Harry. But then something strange happened. A warmth spread through him, starting from his chest and spreading to every corner of his being. His heart pounded faster, and he felt a sudden rush of affection towards the person in the picture beside him.

It took a moment for Draco to realize what was happening. These weren't ordinary chocolates. They were infused with a powerful enchantment, though he couldn't quite pinpoint its nature. All he knew was that it was affecting him in ways he couldn't explain.

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